Gang violence is on the rise in Sweden – Stockholm police declared it an “exceptional event” and gets additional resources

Gang violence is on the rise in Sweden Stockholm

In Stockholm, the police have declared the wave of violence plaguing the city to be an “extraordinary event” (Swedish: sårður såðið).

This gives the police more resources. In recent years, terrorist attacks have been classified as exceptional events.

Last night there were three shooting incidents again in Stockholm. One person was killed as a result of the shooting in the municipality of Solna in the greater Stockholm area.

In addition to this, in the town of Skarpnäck, south of Stockholm, there was an explosion in the stairwell of an apartment building.

Last night the police chased the car and arrested its driver and passenger. A large number of weapons were found in the car. According to Aftonbladet (you will switch to another service) they were both young teenagers.

According to the police, violence between criminal groups has intensified especially after Christmas.

– In general, it can be said that the level of violence between criminal networks is now very high, the Stockholm police Hanna Paradis said According to the Swedish public broadcasting company SVT (you will switch to another service).

According to the police, there are several criminal networks. Now the police get additional resources and rights to restore order.

According to Sveriges radio (you will switch to another service) The Stockholm police is borrowing 190 police officers from other parts of Sweden.

Stockholm police is also increasing its cooperation with other local police in Sweden.

– In the past, criminal networks were local, but this has changed now. Today, they operate regionally, but also on a national and transnational level, says Paradis.

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