Gang leaders were released from murder – gets close to 700,000 from JK

The now 29-year-old man who was identified as one of the leaders in Rinkebygänget “The Death Patrol” was first convicted by the district court for involvement in the noted murder in Uppsala 2017. He was later released by the High Court.

It was on April 1, 2017 that a 43-year-old man was shot dead in connection with a fast-food restaurant in the Bollands in Uppsala. On surveillance images, two people are seen rising from a Porsche in white overalls and shooting the man.

The prosecutor has wanted the compensation to be lowered when the now freed man’s DNA was found on the overalls used by the perpetrators in the shooting. He has also used the rental car used as a getaway car, just a few days after the murder. But JK does not believe that there is reason to reduce compensation.

Therefore, criminal compensation of JK

Anyone who has been arrested or arrested and then is not convicted of the crime has the right to receive compensation from the Chancellor of Justice. A survey from SVT Södertälje has shown, among other things, that several that the police describe as active gang criminals in Södertälje have received hundreds of thousands of dollars. In some cases, they have received money while being investigated for new crimes.

New legislative proposal to reduce the payments

At the end of February, one was presented Investigation on behalf of the Government to review the compensation distributed. It states, among other things, that the opportunities to reduce or completely reduce detention will be expanded, for example if the person has contributed to the detention or if there are other circumstances that make it unreasonable to disclose compensation. It may be, among other things, in cases where it appears that the person has committed new crimes after the liberation, or if the person is deemed to belong to a criminal network.

The legislative changes are proposed to enter into force on September 1, 2026.
