Gang leaders are charged on suspicion of the Einár kidnapping

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It was in April 2020 that rap artist Nils “Einár” Grönberg was kidnapped and taken to an apartment where he was beaten and robbed of, among other things, a watch worth hundreds of thousands of kroner, according to Expressen. Images of the artist being abused were then spread on social media.

A high-ranking person in a criminal network in the Stockholm area is now being prosecuted – suspected of having planned the kidnapping.

– According to me, he has been very active. He is involved for a long time in the planning stage, all the way up to what becomes the kidnapping and the robbery, says prosecutor Ida Arnell, according to the newspaper.

Is singled out as gang leader

Several people have already been sentenced for the kidnapping, but the person who is singled out as the mastermind behind the kidnapping, who is now being prosecuted, has been on the run for a year and a half.

In March, the man was arrested in Bulgaria and now he is charged with involvement in the kidnapping of Einár, particularly serious drug smuggling and particularly serious drug crime. The man is also suspected of having brought 158 ​​kilos of cocaine into Sweden, according to the evening newspaper.

The man denies all criminal charges.

Einár was shot to death in Stockholm in October 2022.
