Gandalf and Dumbledore are two of the most powerful wizards in their respective worlds. But what would happen if the two leave their books and films and meet? We clarify who would leave a duel as a winner.
Attention Spoiler: In the article we reveal smaller details about the two wizards and their respective stories.
Your names are well known. Friends hope for support from one of the two, their enemies fear them. Gandalf and Dumbledore exist in different universes, but both unite that they are very powerful wizards. They should even have been played by the same actor.
Both play an important role in their respective stories. Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts and has a hidden fight against Voldemort for a long time. He is one of the strongest wizards from the world of Harry Potter and also a member of the Order of the Phoenix.
Gandalf, on the other hand, is a very old and wise wizard who leads the companions through Middle -earth and then a huge army to the battle against Sauron and its henchmen.
If the two magicians would meet as opponents, a fairly bombastic duel should come out. We let Gandalf and Dumbledore compete against each other in 5 categories. Anyone who wins the category gets a point. The magician with the most points is chosen as the winner.
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1. Category: Experience
Before we look at the abilities of the magicians, we start with their experience, which should not be underestimated. Those who have been alive for a long time and have played a lot of fights is just more experienced in the duel.
If you compare the age of the two wizards, a clear picture is created: Dumbledore is about 115 years old at the time of Harry Potter. That is quite remarkable. Over the years, Dumbledore has beaten many battles and also defeated the most powerful magicians like Grindelwald.
In this category, Gandalf clearly has the front. It is even older than the Planet Arda on which Middle -earth is located – namely around 55,000 years old. In his known physical form, however, he has “only” hiked through Middle -earth for about 2,000 years. Nevertheless, this is enough to say: Gandalf has significantly more experience and has met creatures from which Dumbledore can only dream at night. The point goes to: Gandalf
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