Games With Gold will no longer include Xbox 360 games

Games With Gold will no longer include Xbox 360 games

Starting in October, Games With Gold will no longer include Xbox 360 games, meaning more Xbox One games will be available to subscribers.

The Games With Gold games given to Xbox Live Gold subscribers every month will no longer include Xbox 360 games. Microsoft has announced that it will no longer add Xbox 360 games to the system, and this will be effective from October.

Games With Gold games will now be available for the Xbox One platform

As you know, Xbox Live Gold subscribers get some free games every month. These are selected from both Xbox One and Xbox 360 games, but now the company is announcing that it will not give away Xbox 360 games. The reason for this is that there are not enough games on the platform anymore. In fact, considering that the console is also aging, we can say that it was the right decision. Eurogamer’s As reported, the company explains the situation in the e-mails it sends to users as follows:

“We’ve reached the limits of our ability to bring Xbox 360 games to the catalogue. Games With Gold will continue to include exciting Xbox One games and exclusive discounts. This will not affect Xbox 360 games you download before October 2022. X360 games you purchase with Games With Gold are still subscribed to your Xbox account. You’ll be able to keep it whether you like it or not. Thank you for being a loyal member.”

The company also announced the games that will come to Game Pass in July yesterday. You can click here to see the games that will be added to the system.
