Gamer wants to get his mom into gaming, yells at her in fun party game, feels bad now

Party games are supposed to be fun and funny, but one gamer even yells at his mom while doing it.

Why does the player feel bad? Reddit user TyMonstaz has reached out to the social network with a post saying he feels bad about his behavior towards his mother.

TyMonstaz says in the Reddit post that he plays the party game Overcooked with his mother a lot and has a lot of fun doing it. At some point he then tried to record a clip of Overcooked 2 for his YouTube channel. However, he noticed that he was very upset when playing with his mother.

Again and again he wrote to his mother full of lungs when she made a small mistake in what was actually a funny game. Now TyMonstaz feels bad for his behavior towards his mother, saying, “God, I feel like an ass.”

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Users say player needs to be nicer

What does the community say about the player’s behavior? A comment with over 2,700 upvotes from Reddit user im_poirot recommended that TyMonstaz give his mother a hug and apologize to her. To that, the user adds that TyMonstaz’s mom must love him dearly if she kept playing Overcooked with him while he was angry (via Reddit).

Another user adds that the mother shows interest in the poster creator’s hobby and would like to connect with him. TYMonstaz’s behavior shows he’s immature, but the post now hints that he’s taken the first step toward adulthood (via Reddit).

Overall, the comments are unanimous: TyMonstaz should behave better towards his mother, must be nicer (via Reddit).

Party game brings chaos to your kitchen

What game is Overcooked? Overcooked is a popular party game that you can play with up to 4 friends in couch co-op. You slip into the role of different chefs and have to produce different dishes and serve them to your customers under massive time pressure.

You walk around a lot, cut salad, cook soup or bake pizza. Meanwhile, chaos breaks out in your kitchen bit by bit. Suddenly there are obstacles in your way, animals steal your ingredients or the kitchen is on fire. There is also a reasonable level of coordination between players.

Check out the Overcooked 2 announcement trailer here:

After the time limit has expired, there will be a rating. Depending on how well you’ve done as a chef, you’ll earn more stars. If you have collected enough stars, you can unlock more levels and throw yourself into the kitchen chaos in a new environment.

If you want to discover more fun games like Overcooked, we have a list of the best couch co-op games on MeinMMO:

The coolest couch co-op games – that’s what the MeinMMO editorial team will play in 2023
