Gamer is surprised that his processor gets extremely hot – When he opens his PC, he experiences a nasty surprise

High temperatures in the gaming PC unsettle a gamer. The cause behind this is also his own laziness: Because he has probably never cleaned the PC.

A user wondered about very high temperatures in his gaming PC. He then opened his gaming PC and posted a picture on Reddit. And here you can immediately see the problem for the high temperatures:

Because the interior is heavily soiled by animal hair and dust. The user has probably never opened his PC and the inside of the PC looks accordingly. Even a dead beetle stuck in its dust filter.

There are such dirty PCs on a regular basis and you should urgently take the time to clean your PC regularly:

Gamer opens Gaming PC for the first time in 6 years and shows why you shouldn’t make the same mistake

Take the time to maintain your hardware

A gaming PC does not clean itself: Almost all objects in everyday life get dirty at some point. Whether mouse, keyboard or gaming PC: At some point you should take the time and clean your hardware. Because the PC does not clean itself and every system has to be serviced at some point. Even the “greatest gamer” has found that cleaning a PC is a must.

Dust filters often prevent internal contamination, but you have to replace or clean the dust filters yourself regularly. Especially if you have animals (dogs, cats) in the household or smoke a lot.

Why should you clean your system regularly? Dirt and dust clog air access paths or your fans. This then ensures that some components or components cannot dissipate heat properly and thus heat up considerably. In the worst case, you can damage your hardware if you don’t pay attention to order.

This example shows well that the heat can no longer be properly dissipated. However, not only dirt, but also incorrect positioning of your PC can cause temperatures to be too high.

Tips and tricks for a cooler PC can be found directly on MeinMMO.
