Gamer cleans monitor with alcohol, regrets the stupidity a few minutes later

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A gamer wanted to clean his dirty monitor and used high-proof alcohol. Not a good idea, as he found out afterwards.

Dust, fingerprints, pet hair. A monitor can get dirty pretty quickly in everyday life if you’re not careful. It is therefore not surprising that many users also want to thoroughly clean their system from time to time.

But some people resort to particularly rabid means to clean their display. A gamer immediately tried hard alcohol, but that wasn’t a good idea.

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Gaming monitors offer you a controversial feature – players consider this to be cheating

The community explains why his actions were not a good idea

What did the user do? The user u/STANERZ15 had a dirty monitor and wanted to clean it. This is how he writes on reddit:

I cleaned my monitor with 90% alcohol, is that ok? Finally no more shiny and dingy.

At first glance, the monitor looks nice and shiny. But after the first comments under his post, he realizes that maybe that wasn’t such a good idea after all.

How is the community reacting? She “congratulates” him on the idea of ​​cleaning his monitor with alcohol. Here’s how someone sarcastically comments:

Alcohol is a good choice, but nothing beats a grinder to completely wreck your monitor.

Alcohol attacks the protective layer of the monitor

Why isn’t that a good idea? Alcohol is a harsh cleaning agent and will damage the monitor’s protective coating and materials. In the worst case, you will destroy your expensive device. As a reddit user writes (via

As far as I know it is always said that one should clean monitors/screens without chemicals and only with an almost dry cloth and water. As some chemicals can react and ruin the materials used to make the screen.

In principle, you should avoid certain agents when cleaning televisions and display units:

  • Alcohol or ammonia based cleaners are not a good idea.
  • Glass cleaners and scouring agents are also far too aggressive.
  • Water from the tap can cause a short circuit.
  • You should also avoid things like kitchen towels, cleaning rags or even sponges because you can scratch the surface with them. The damage cannot be easily removed afterwards.

    What can you use to clean your monitor? Many recommend distilled water and a microfiber cloth for cleaning. Because there are no more minerals in distilled water. The fewer minerals and salts the water contains, the less conductive the liquid is and can then cause less damage to electronics if the water does get inside.

    By the way, another alternative are special cleaning kits or screen cleaning sprays, which you can buy for a few euros in the supermarket or in specialist shops. You should also combine this with a microfiber cloth and never spray directly onto the display, as the special cleaning kits are still very strong.

    Are you still looking for a suitable gaming monitor for your setting? Then take a look at our detailed purchase advice here on MeinMMO:

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