Gameplay video for open world Sonic Frontiers has arrived

Gameplay video for open world Sonic Frontiers has arrived

The gameplay video for the open world Sonic Frontiers game developed by Sega has been released. The mechanics and atmosphere of the game excited the players.

Open world Sonic The game has finally started to appear. The Sonic Frontiers gameplay trailer offers us limited information and details in terms of content, but we find answers to our questions such as how Sonic will fight, who will fight, what features he has. Detailed information about the construction will be made in June.

Open-world Sonic Frontiers could be the next entry in the series

Although all the development stages of the game have been kept as a big secret, the Sonic Frontiers gameplay trailer shows us what a quality production has come. We know that the production is an open world game, and it is among the information that it will have a realistic terrain rather than cartoonish drawings. It contains an environment where we will explore forests, waterfalls, deserts and more while fighting enemies.

Sonic will not only fight Badniks as in previous games, we can see various types of enemies in the trailer content. In the 40-second trailer, we see Sonic gliding down the tracks, turning a giant wheel (like a hamster wheel) to energize some kind of power unit, and swirl around his enemies with a spiky tornado attack.

In an interview published in June 2021, the developer of the series said that he hopes the upcoming game will be a reference for new Sonic games to be made in the coming years. Takashi Iizuka continued, “Sonic Adventure laid the foundation for all Sonic games in the 20-year period after its release, so the production that will be released in 2022 should have the same quality.”

Sonic Frontiers will be released for XBox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC in summer 2022. Perhaps it will be Sega’s most influential entry into the market in recent years.
