Game released as announced: Hi-Fi RUSH

Game released as announced Hi Fi RUSH

Announced at the Xbox event held last night, Hi-Fi RUSH is out for PC and Xbox Series X/S hours after its announcement.

One of the rare surprises we see in the gaming industry took place at the Xbox presentation last night, and Tango Gameworks’ new game came out just a few hours after its announcement. This game, which was released for PC and Xbox consoles, was also offered to players on the Game Pass system. The details about the game are as follows;

Hi-Fi RUSH added to Game Pass as announced

Hi-Fi RUSH is a rhythm action game set in a colorful world where everything from swaying trees to every beat in fights moves to the beat of the music. The fight sequences harmonize perfectly with the rhythm of the music, so the gameplay is not only fun but also extremely satisfying. Music does not direct the player’s movements as in ordinary rhythm games. On the contrary, players have the freedom of a complete action game. However, matching the actions to the rhythm strengthens the player’s attacks with the music.

Players play as the free-spirited mischievous Chai who dreams of becoming a rock star. During the technological procedure in which a robotic arm is integrated into his body, he notices a surprising “bonus” when his player is plugged into the power source. And as if that wasn’t enough, the company behind the experiment is branding it “flawed” to disable it. Followed by a team of top corporate executives and an army of robots, Chai must defend himself and escape, defeating the company’s ruthless bosses, with the help of a team of allies and rhythmic combat.

Featuring licensed songs from famous rock bands such as Nine Inch Nails and The Black Keys, Hi-Fi RUSH will definitely get you hooked and excited. The game is on Xbox Series X|S and Game Pass for PC. It is also available on Microsoft Store, Steam and Epic Games Store.
