League of Legends is constantly changing, and it’s not just individual champions that change. The individual roles also gain or lose strength in the game depending on the patch and the current status. Game designer David Turley, better known as RiotPhreak, spoke about a role that is clearly too strong at the moment.
Which role is it? RiotPhreak talks about the strength of the Jungle role on his Twitch stream after a comment asks if the latest Jungle changes are coming to the live server as well. To which Phreak replies: As far as we can measure, the jungle role is 20% stronger than all other roles.
Building on that, he goes on to say that nerfing overall jungle power by 15% would be appropriate. But the jungle isn’t as easy to balance as you might think. The jungle was also changed a lot last year:
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Some nerfs for the jungle are planned
What’s the problem with the jungle? As Phreak points out on the stream, the jungle needs to be nerfed, especially when the reel is so much stronger than the other 4 reels. However, as he also explains, the problem with Jungle was that it was an unpopular role throughout League of Legends.
This rewarded junglers for their prowess within the role, but individuals autofilled by, for example, the unpopularity of the role cannot use the power, putting a team at a severe disadvantage. At the same time, excessive nerfs can make the role even less popular.
What nerfs await the jungle? As the Twitter user Spideraxe reports, in addition to the nerfs of Kindred, Kha’Zix, Kayn, and Evelynn, 4 of the currently strongest junglers (via U.GG, as of August 21, 2023), nerfs are also being tested on the general jungle gameplay. But all this only on the test server.
The 3 starter items are to be adapted and nerfed for the jungle. It mainly hits the green jungle item Mosstomper Seedling. The item is said to lose stats related to its toughness, slow resistance, and shield. You can see the exact values here:
As Spideraxe also reports, only the champion nerfs for the jungle will come to the live servers for the time being. The changes to the jungle items themselves will first be reversed and not transferred to the live servers. Apparently, the results are not yet satisfactory.
As Phreaks also says in the stream, you can expect nerfs or changes in the future with the current jungle strength. What are your thoughts on the current status of the jungle reel? Do you play jungle yourself or do you find it too strong? Write it in the comments.
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