Game-changing statement from Canan Karatay! See what diseases excessive stress and sadness lead to

Is it possible to lose weight while sleeping Canan Karatay

Internal medicine specialist Prof., who is frequently mentioned with his advice on healthy nutrition and heart health. Dr. This time, Canan Karatay made important statements about thyroid disease. The expert listed one by one the diseases that unexpressed emotions can cause.

Stating that thyroid diseases are diagnosed after unexpressed emotions, excessive stress and sadness, Karatay said, ‘Stress hormone initiates autoimmunity. In other words, it breaks down the body’s resistance mechanism. In other words, there is stress underlying all chronic and acute diseases.

Let me tell you why there is stress. Because the stress hormone is cortisol. This includes sudden increases in what we call acute stress when cortisol is very high. In other words, there is an accident, sudden sadness and sudden loss, such as an earthquake… Or there is chronic stress. ‘Thyroid diseases also begin with chronic stress.’ made the statement.

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Karatay also said that it would not be beneficial for someone who has been diagnosed with a disease that causes an imbalance in the thyroid due to extreme distress due to high cortisol in this situation, and that it would not be beneficial to immediately start taking medication; ‘Thyroids of patients with thyroid nodules are removed immediately. Thyroid glands are very important and should not be removed whenever possible. It’s done when it’s necessary.’ said.

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