Game-changing explanation: Does urinating while standing cause prostate cancer? Consume these foods to reduce prostate risk

Game changing explanation Does urinating while standing cause prostate cancer Consume

Urology Specialist Opr. Dr. Mithat Kıvrak made a statement regarding the claim that ‘urinating while standing causes prostate disease’, which is widely talked about among the public.

Opr stated that there is a common belief that urinating while standing causes prostate diseases. Dr. Kıvrak said, “However, current scientific data does not support this claim. Genetic factors, aging and hormonal changes play a more prominent role among the causes of prostate diseases. “There is not enough evidence that the way you urinate while standing or sitting directly affects prostate health,” he said.


Opr emphasized the importance of regular health checks, eating healthy, exercising regularly and avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption to protect prostate health. Dr. Mithat Kıvrak said, “Apart from these recommendations, pumpkin seeds have been shown to be beneficial in benign prostate disease. Again, consuming antioxidant-rich foods such as tomatoes, broccoli, green leafy vegetables and red fruits will be beneficial for prostate health.


Activities that support your cardiovascular health, such as walking, running, swimming, and exercises that increase your muscle strength should be done a few days a week. Excessive caffeine and spicy foods should be avoided. “When urinating, the bladder should be completely emptied and care should be taken not to delay the need to go to the toilet.”


prostate film

Pointing out that those who are concerned about prostate health should definitely consult a specialist, Opr. Dr. Kıvrak said, “Avoid self-diagnosis or acting on unproven information on the internet. Have your PSA levels checked regularly. This test plays an important role in the early detection of prostate cancer.


It is important to consult a urologist for more information and personalized advice on prostate health. “It can help you determine the most appropriate lifestyle changes and treatment options for you, specific to the issue,” he said. (UAV)

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