Game buying habits of Turks

Game buying habits of Turks

Our survey that we started last week has been completed. Participation far exceeded our expectations. The results are also quite interesting.

“How Much Do We Spend on Games?” we launched last week. We have completed our survey. Participation exceeded our expectations. More than 10 thousand votes cast, Game buying habits of Turksit reveals. We would like to thank all our visitors who answered the six questions we asked in the survey and helped us reach the results. You can see the results with our comments below.

How did we do our survey?

“How much do we spend on games?” When we asked, we assured all our friends who voted that we would not record any information about them so that they would be sensitive issues and so that we could reach the most sincere and correct answer possible. For this reason, we believe that the results we have obtained reflect the facts.

How are the game buying habits of Turks?

How many original games did you buy in 2022?

Although there is an economic problem, it seems that the Turks could not give up playing games. Nearly half of the choices we gave in the survey marked that they received more than 10 games in 2022.

Which platform do you prefer to buy games?

Steam is the undisputed leader in this category. The most preferred store among Microsoft, Nintendo and PlayStation game stores seems to be the PlayStation Store.

Game buying habits of Turks

What is your main channel of access to games?

With this question, we tried to measure the prevalence of copying. Compared to previous years, we can see a decreasing trend in copy usage. While 26% of the respondents say that they use copy games, this rate also includes those who prefer copy and original at the same time. It corresponds to 11% of those who continue their lives without buying any games (Moba, F2P, free games and those who play the games in their library).

Game buying habits of Turks

How much budget did you spend to buy games in 2022?

While making an assessment here, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the average wage is between 501-1500, considering the non-increased prices of 2022. Considering that last year will not be able to use the figure for an average AAA game in 2023, it shows that the number of players who can reach AAA originally this year may decrease.

How much do we spend on games?

Do you believe that the price you pay for the game pays off?

We have only posted a two-choice question here, and from the answers we can see that the majority of the players are satisfied with the result of their payment.

Does the fee we pay meet our expectations?

How many of the games you bought belonged to independent developers?

Although we love indie games, when we consider the game purchasing habits of Turks, we can see that they do not have a preferred market share. We can see that nearly 70% of Turkish players are not very interested in independent games.

Do we buy indie games


We would like to thank our thousands of friends who participated in the survey. In line with the results we have obtained, it is not difficult to see that the audience who wants Turkish games does not include enough games in their library so that they can reach it. The fact that independent productions do not see enough interest shows that the players generally prefer AAA productions.
