We have news like a bombshell for you. Would you like to have a special ship holiday for thousands of players, cosplay, MTG players? If you have 25 thousand liras in your pocket, the GACUCON holiday is waiting for you.
Of course, we players have the right to travel and have fun. Seeing this, companies compete with each other to meet our needs. I saw the latest example of this from America. Organized by a Cruise company for gamers and geeks, the GAUCON event is held this summer. Unlike many events, GACUCON, ship holiday for players as designed.
GACUCON offers players a special cruise holiday
During the 6 days and 7 nights event, Caribbean countries such as Jamaica, CocoCay and Haiti will be visited. Of course, everything has been thought of for us players. Many special sections have been opened on board for VR, computers and consoles.
There are also many activities prepared with the theme of Dungeon and Dragons. In the area specially prepared for MTG (Magic the Gathering) players, special tables have been set up for the card game.
Special events are also designed for those who love to cosplay. Role-playing sections and special competitions will be held within the framework of the GACUCON event.
The price of this holiday, which sounds very nice, is 1.602 USD for one person. In our money, it is equivalent to approximately 24.500 Lira. Of course, this is the price for a single room only for a double room. At this point, the company made a beauty and determined the price for two people as 2,002 USD, that is, 30,500 TL. This price includes the entrance fee to the event.
If you don’t pack up and go with your friends anyway, you might spend your first few days alone just to make friends. Who wants to be alone on vacation anyway?
Of course, the fee to be spent for the event is not limited to this. The ship departs from Miami. For this reason, you will have to buy your own flight ticket up to there.
We talked about GACUCON with a little ti, but it seems like it will be a very enjoyable event. In our current economic situation, unfortunately, the number of people from our country who can participate in such an entertainment is very, very limited. However, we want you to know that there are also such events. Who knows, maybe we’ll have a chance to participate one day.
Detailed information from the company’s website You can take.