Gabriel Attal: towards a resignation, his result in the legislative elections

Gabriel Attal towards a resignation his result in the legislative

Gabriel Attal obtained the double result he hoped for in the second round of the legislative elections: avoiding a victory for the extreme right at the national level and winning the vote in his constituency of Hauts-de-Seine. He announced his resignation. Find the latest news live.

00:09 – Gabriel Attal is elected deputy, his score

The final results for Gabriel Attal have just been released. Following the second round of the legislative elections, the Prime Minister, who will hand in his resignation to Emmanuel Macron tomorrow, was elected MP with 58.23% of the votes cast in his favour. He is ahead of Cécile Soubelet, candidate of the New Popular Front, credited with 41.77% of the votes, reports the Ministry of the Interior.

07/07/24 – 23:54 – Gabriel Attal widens the gap, what the latest partial results say

While Gabriel Attal announced that he would hand in his resignation as Prime Minister to Emmanuel Macron tomorrow, it seems that he is on the verge of being elected as a member of parliament. According to the latest partial results of these legislative elections communicated by the Ministry of the Interior, based on 92.3% of the registered voters received, Gabriel Attal would win with nearly 58.17% of the votes cast in his favor. He is currently more than 7,000 votes ahead of his opponent, Cécile Soubelet, candidate of the left-wing union who is currently credited with 41.83% of the votes.

07/07/24 – 22:23 – Gabriel Attal’s results are improving

New, more refined results have just been released for the 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine. According to new partial results, this time based on 69.47% of the votes counted, Gabriel Attal would come out on top in this second round with 60.33% of the votes cast, against Cécile Soubelet, who is now credited with 39.67% of the votes. The results will continue to be clarified in the evening, until the Ministry of the Interior announces the final results based on all the votes counted.

07/07/24 – 21:40 – “We are standing”, Gabriel Attal’s speech

Before announcing that he was handing in his resignation to the President of the Republic tomorrow morning, Gabriel Attal paid tribute to the commitment of the presidential party’s activists in this campaign for the legislative elections during his speech broadcast on BFM TV. He particularly welcomed “that no absolute majority can be led by the extremists”, thanks to “this French spirit, so deeply attached to the Republic and its values.” He also praised the score of the Ensemble coalition, which has belied certain polls: “We are standing with three times more deputies than certain estimates gave at the beginning of this campaign.”

07/07/24 – 21:28 – The first partial results announce Gabriel Attal in the lead

The announcement of Gabriel Attal’s resignation this Sunday, July 8, formal and expected in light of the results of this second round of the legislative elections, was accompanied by the publication of the first results of his constituency. According to the first partial results communicated by the Ministry of the Interior, and calculated on the basis of 57.1% of the votes counted, the current Prime Minister comes out on top in the 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine. He is, for the time being, credited with 61.62% of the votes cast, ahead of Cécile Soubelet of the New Popular Front, for the time being announced with 38.38% of the votes. The results will be further refined in the evening.

07/07/24 – 21:23 – Gabriel Attal will submit his resignation “tomorrow morning”

Following the results of this second round of legislative elections, the presidential party did not obtain either the majority or the victory, even if it came in second place in this election. In a speech broadcast by BFM TV, he confirmed that he would “return tomorrow morning [sa] resignation to the President of the Republic”, while President that he “would assume [ses] functions as long as [son] duty will demand it.”

07/07/24 – 20:27 – Attal’s results still awaited, at what time will they be released?

Gabriel Attal is a candidate in the 10th constituency of Hauts de Seine. The Prime Minister should see his results communicated throughout the evening, but since the last polling stations closed at 8 p.m. in the Ile de France region, they could be announced in the second part of the evening. However, the first partial results are expected soon.

07/07/24 – 20:01 – 150 to 180 seats for Ensemble

Together, the coalition which brings together Renaissance (LREM), MoDem, Horizons and other allies of Macronie, is given 150 to 180 seats according to the first projections of results given by the Ifop institute.

07/07/24 – 19:27 – Do the French want to keep Gabriel Attal as Prime Minister?

After the legislative elections, a change of Prime Minister is highly probable. However, according to an Ifop-Fiducial poll for Sud Radio, LCI and Le Figaro dated July 3, Gabriel Attal is still seen as a “good” head of government, even after the elections according to 48% of French people. Conversely, 52% are against a new appointment of the current Prime Minister.

Jordan Bardella comes not far behind since he was solicited by 45% of French people, who consider that the president of the RN would be “good” in this role. The leading trio is closed with Raphaël Glucksmann and his 39% confidence. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is far behind with 20% positive opinions.

07/07/24 – 19:17 – Gabriel Attal was expected at the Elysée

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and the leaders of the outgoing majority parties were expected at 6:30 p.m. at the Elysée by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron for a summit meeting a few minutes before the announcement of the results.

07/07/24 – 18:45 – Gabriel Attal was against a dissolution

The Prime Minister was not in favour of the dissolution and the announcement of such a decision would have been “a brutal shock”. For his part, he was preparing for the post-European elections. He even suggested that the President accept his resignation instead of the dissolution. “I am the fuse”, Gabriel Attal told the Head of State according to BFMTV. A proposal that Emmanuel Macron rejected, considering that the head of government was “the best to lead the campaign” for the legislative elections. Questioned again on the dissolution a few days before the second round of voting on the programme “L’Evénement” on France 2, Gabriel Attal did not wish to return to the subject: “I am not here to look in the rear-view mirror or make comments”.

07/07/24 – 18:04 – Resignation of Gabriel Attal the day after the legislative elections?

Following legislative elections, custom dictates that the President of the Republic appoints a Prime Minister from the largest parliamentary bloc. But the Constitution remains sufficiently vague to allow Emmanuel Macron and Gabriel Attal to temporize. The Prime Minister thus indicated that his government would remain in place “as long as necessary” to ensure day-to-day affairs in the aftermath of the elections. Furthermore, Emmanuel Macron could attempt to create a coalition ranging from the left to the right, and thus keep Gabriel Attal at the head of the government. However, he would expose himself to a rejection from his potential interlocutors, or even a motion of censure.
Gabriel Attal’s result in the legislative elections is also decisive: if he fails to be re-elected in the 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine, the Prime Minister will lose his legitimacy in government.

07/07/24 – 16:35 – Gabriel Attal is running in the 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine and hopes to be elected this Sunday

If he wins, he will be able to sit in the National Assembly. However, he also places himself in the front line for the post of Prime Minister, in the event of a victory by the presidential majority. If the latter does not seem to be in a good position to win, it could create a coalition in the Assembly and this could open the doors to another post for Gabriel Attal, that of president of a central group in the National Assembly. “He is reopening all avenues”, according to “a former colleague in government” to RMC.

07/07/24 – 15:42 – Attal voted in Vanves this Sunday

Under the eye of the cameras, Gabriel Attal voted this Sunday, July 7 in Vanves, the city where he lives. Vanves is mainly located in the 10th constituency of Hauts de Seine, the territory where the Prime Minister is aiming for re-election.

07/07/24 – 15:02 – Gabriel Attal in favor of a coalition majority?

Last Monday, Gabriel Attal outlined a project for an evolving coalition in the Assembly after the legislative elections. “Today, the alternative is clear, either the National Rally has an absolute majority, or you have a plural National Assembly with several political groups from the right, the left, the center who, project by project, work together to serve the interests of the French people,” he declared on TF1. Will this plurality be found in the government? What is certain, according to Attal, is “that at the end of these legislative elections, given the result, there will be a new governance and way of operating.”

This Sunday evening was decisive for Gabriel Attal. His results in the legislative elections will determine his political future in the short term. The candidate for re-election in the 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine retains his seat as a deputy in the National Assembly: he was re-elected with 58.23% of the vote this Sunday, ahead of the candidate of the left-wing union Cécile Soubelet. However, he has already announced that he will resign this Monday, July 8, because this last point depends on the composition of the new hemicycle and the balance of power that will be established, favoring the New Popular Front over the presidential majority and the National Rally.

Gabriel Attal, who had no choice but to note the loss of momentum of the presidential majority in the first round of the legislative elections, had also revised his objectives for the outcome of the vote: it is no longer a question of becoming the majority but “of doing everything so that the RN does not have an absolute majority” as he said on France Inter a few days before the vote. The leader of the majority also encouraged the candidates of the presidential majority to join the Republican front by withdrawing from the second round as soon as their maintenance “would have elected RN candidates”. He was not facing a far-right candidate in his constituency for the second round of the legislative elections.

Gabriel Attal came out on top in the 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine with 58.23% of the vote in the second round of these legislative elections, which pitted him against the candidate of the New Popular Front, Cécile Soubelet (41.77%). Gabriel Attal was already elected in this constituency in the last two legislative elections, in 2017 and 2022. But the political context was quite different.

The legislative elections could be the end of Gabriel Attal’s passage to Matignon. Without even a relative majority of the presidential camp in the National Assembly at the end of the vote, the head of government risks being pushed towards the exit. He has also announced that he would resign on Monday, July 8. The first round had undermined the chances of the Macronist camp to regain an absolute or even relative majority in the chamber. The Prime Minister knows this and seems, with Emmanuel Macron and the heavyweights of the majority, to be opening a breach for a possible government coalition with the moderate right and left. However, he remained very evasive on the subject, simply conceding that after the legislative elections “there will be a new deal, different political forces which, project by project, will have to seek to move the country forward.”

Pending an agreement, tradition dictates that the Prime Minister presents a courtesy resignation after a defeat at the polls, which may be accepted or rejected by the Head of State. However, if the Head of Government remains in office without a majority in the Assembly – a hypothesis that seems unlikely – then the Head of the Executive risks being overthrown by the first motion of censure. A new Prime Minister will then have to be appointed.
