Gabriel Attal seen by our readers – L’Express

Gabriel Attal seen by our readers – LExpress

School: Hurricane Attal…

Franck Lopez, Saint-Martin (Guadeloupe)

More than a reform, it is a revolution that Hurricane Attal is bringing to the narrow world of teachers, by seeking to redefine the contours of National Education. Not only does the man, a little young, but courageous, give power back to teachers, but he raises the level of requirements. We wanted to buy social peace, we are harvesting the rotten fruits of a very bad season. I can attest to this as a school teacher. Yes, level groups are a solution; yes, the decision regarding repeating a year belongs to teachers and yes, a thousand times yes, learning the fundamentals – reading, writing, counting – must be a priority. (“Gabriel Attal: his clever plan to get ahead of the next Pisa ranking“, on

READ ALSO >>Gabriel Attal, the intriguing Minister of Education: his networks, his personality, his ambitions

…and Blanquer’s fault

Laurent Opsomer, Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (North)

France is plummeting in the latest Pisa ranking. Its fall in mathematics is even historic since the ranking existed. A real berezina! One man bears the heavy responsibility: Jean-Michel Blanquer. Did he not occupy, in fact, the highest positions within the Ministry of National Education – deputy director of the ministerial cabinet in 2006, then general director of school education from 2009 – before take the lead from 2017? He is the inspiration for all the school reforms of recent decades with the results that we know today… (Xavier Jaravel: “Investing in education means making billions”L’Express of December 7).

Flag, Marseillaise and French language

Claude Tripette, Void (Meuse)

I would like to salute the quality of Gérald Bronner’s column concerning in particular the tricolor flag and The Marseillaise. It is important to consider these symbols that helped stabilize our nation. However, I think that a third value should be taken into account: the dictionary. A nation, whatever it may be, can only envisage progress if it shares the same understanding of words. Emmanuel Macron’s government clearly recognized this need by creating the Cité internationale de la langue française in Villers-Cotterêts. (“How can we allow the far right to win?”L’Express of November 23).

Tobacco: let’s apply the precautionary principle

Jacques Cornuz, Lausanne (Switzerland)

Once again, L’Express and its Sciences and Health team have carried out an excellent survey on electronic cigarettes. The current issues can finally be summarized as follows: the principle of prevention for adult smokers and the precautionary principle for young people. The first means that for those who cannot, or do not want to, quit smoking, it is important to encourage the switch to vaping in order to prevent the occurrence of tobacco-related diseases; for these people, anything is better than continuing to smoke! The second means that in the absence of data on the safety of vaping among young people, everything must be done to prevent their access to this product and, as a precaution, ban these attractive nicotine products that are puffs, as the French government commits to it. (“What science really says about vapingL’Express of November 16).

READ ALSO >>Electronic cigarette: the scientific truths about vaporettes

Real estate: the nightmare of the French

Michel Guerin, Les Figons (Bouches-du-Rhône)

I appreciate the consistency with which L’Express has long predicted the explosion of a social and political bomb in terms of housing. Robin Rivaton, in particular, always has the art, in this matter, of putting the finger where it hurts. The paradox is that in France, a country supposed to be committed to social justice, permits are increasingly attacked by citizens, who are generally comfortably settled. Logically, associations of the poorly housed should manifest themselves in the opposite direction, but these populations have little electoral weight. (“mmobile, the nightmare of the French“, L’Express of November 30).

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