Gabriel Attal, back at the Salon, pins the RN on the agricultural crisis

Gabriel Attal back at the Salon pins the RN on

08:46 – A debate between François Ruffin and farmers at the Salon

The rebellious deputy for the Somme, François Ruffin, plans to go to the Agricultural Show this Tuesday, February 27. The politician assures, in the name of his group, that he has a “project for French agriculture: ensuring stability, protection and horizons for farmers, in the face of globalization, in the face of the giants of agro-industry” on debate with farmers and their unions from the Salon from 2 p.m.

08:10 – Details on floor prices and tackle against LFI

Gabriel Attal’s visit is also an opportunity to provide after-sales service for the announcements made by Emmanuel Macron yesterday, in particular that concerning the establishment of a floor price. “We will ensure that production cost indicators, which exist in the Egalim law, which allow, sector by sector, to look at the cost of production in each sector can be the basis for constructing the price” a explained the head of government on RTL. The Prime Minister was careful to distinguish “the form of floor price that the President spoke about” from the proposal formulated by La France insoumise: “It has nothing to do with the proposal of France insoumise, which wants to transform our farmers in civil servants and nationalize mass distribution. And the politician added with regard to the left party: “Between the USSR and the Far West there is a balance.”

08:03 – Attal accuses the RN of having exploited “certain union forces”

Gabriel Attal also criticized the forces of the National Rally for having exploited “certain union forces” during the opening of the Agricultural Show which was disrupted by clashes. “I saw unease, distress among the farmers. But what we saw on Saturday was not that, it was some who used anger to sow chaos, the RN using certain union forces. Among those who tried to shake up were activists, not just farmers,” assured the Prime Minister.

07:55 – Le Pen and Bardella described as “stowaways” in the agricultural crisis

Gabriel Attal tackled the representatives of the National Rally from the Agricultural Show and at the microphone of RTL by describing Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella as “stowaways in this agricultural crisis”. The Prime Minister notably pointed out the political recovery and the party’s attempt to take advantage of the crisis with a view to the European elections and denounced the absence of agricultural policies proposed by the party: “What is [Marine Le Pen] has done for 20 years in the European Parliament?”

07:50 – Second visit of Gabriel Attal to the Agricultural Show

The Prime Minister arrived at the Agricultural Show this Tuesday, February 27. On site since 7 hours, Gabriel Attal must spend several hours with breeders and exhibitors. He began his visit by milking the cows before appearing on the RTL morning show. He must then go see Oreillette, the cow muse of the Show, then must go to the different pavilions of the exhibition center to wander through the aisles of stands.

02/26/24 – 11:17 p.m. – A platform for “made in Île-de-France” launched on the occasion of the Agricultural Show

END OF LIVE – Visiting the Agricultural Show this Monday, the president of the Île-de-France region announced the creation of a platform for “made in Île-de-France”. As relayed by BFMTV, on the famous website, it is possible to find more than 500 Ile-de-France producers who have the “Produit en Île-de-France” label. From May 1, 2024, it will be possible to order products on the site and even have them delivered to your home. Valérie Pécresse, for her part, explained that it is currently a catalog of 5,000 products which will be transformed on May 1 into an “online store”.

02/26/24 – 9:45 p.m. – Two brawls one hour apart Sunday evening at the Salon

We knew some farmers were ready to fight, however, none seem to be behind these various brawls reported this Monday by The Parisian. The culprit would rather be… alcohol. Or at least the alcohol abuse of certain visitors to the Agricultural Show. Sunday evening, the two brawls reportedly occurred an hour apart. The first pitted a drunk visitor who was determined not to put out his cigarette against two event security agents. At the end of the second brawl, eight soldiers from the Sentinel forces, in civilian clothes, were controlled by the CRS. Everyone obviously had a good taste of the different alcohols put forward at the show by the farmers.
