Gabriel Attal announces several measures on purchasing power – L’Express

Gabriel Attal announces several measures on purchasing power – LExpress

End of the game on the intentions of each party: candidates for the legislative elections in the 577 constituencies have until this Sunday, June 16, 6 p.m., to submit their declaration of candidacy to the prefecture for the first round on June 30. Dissident candidates on the left, local alliances between the right and the majority, rallying of LR to the RN… Everything should be known this evening, after confused and tense days on the right then on the left.

Information to remember

⇒ Attal announces measures in favor of purchasing power

⇒ “Lifetime investitures do not exist”, responds Mélenchon about the “purge” at LFI

⇒ Sarkozy criticizes Ciotti, who risks becoming a “supplement” of the National Rally

Attal announces measures in favor of purchasing power

Gabriel Attal promised, Saturday to the regional daily press, several measures in favor of purchasing power in the event of victory of the presidential camp in the early legislative elections. He confirmed a reduction in electricity bills of 15% “from next winter”, which will represent for each French person “200 euros less” on their bill, “thanks to the reform of the European electricity market that We got it.” The head of government also said he was considering “group purchases” of school supplies to reduce the price by up to 15%, and proposed working on the establishment of a “public” health supplement at 1 euro per day. for those who are not covered by mutual insurance.

READ ALSO: “Prisons out of control”: the impasses of the RN justice program

Gabriel Attal also promised to exempt first-time middle-class property buyers from notary fees, up to 250,000 euros. He also plans to increase the amount of the so-called “Macron” bonus, paid by companies to their employees to up to 10,000 euros, instead of the current 6,000, “without charge or tax”. The majority’s entire program will be presented at the start of the week.

The federation wants to “avoid any political use of the French team”

The French Football Federation (FFF) asked, Saturday evening, to “avoid any form of pressure and political use of the French team” regarding the early legislative elections. “Very attached to freedom of expression”, the FFF “joins the necessary call to vote” but “wishes its neutrality to be understood and respected by all […] as well as that of the selection”, she wrote in a press release distributed in particular to the media which cover the Blues at Euro-2024.

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This press release follows the strong position taken by Blues striker Marcus Thuram, who called at the end of the morning to “fight so that the RN does not pass” during the elections of June 30 and July 7. From Olivier Giroud to Ousmane Dembélé via Benjamin Pavard, other Didier Deschamps players had asked the French to fulfill their civic duty, and nothing more.

“Investigations for life do not exist”, replies Mélenchon

Tensions erupted on Saturday within the New Popular Front after LFI’s decision not to reinvest several figures opposed to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, such as Danielle Simonnet, Raquel Garrido or Alexis Corbière. The latter accused the rebellious leader of “settling scores” with his former relatives. “Investigations for life do not exist,” replied the leader of LFI in 20 minutesbelieving that it was necessary to “expand the candidacies to union and association activists” and reserve “very winnable seats” for them, therefore in place of these historic outgoing deputies.

READ ALSO: New Popular Front, the secret history: Mélenchon’s purge, the Berger plan, Glucksmann’s doubts

“Political coherence and loyalty in the first left-wing parliamentary group are also a requirement to govern,” he added, in reference to criticism from deputies not reinvested in his political line. “These people planned not to be in our parliamentary group after the election,” accuses a close friend of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The rebellious leader also deplored the word “purge”. “Let’s not start again with words that hurt. Do we give an opinion on the candidacies of the partners? Should we support dissidents in our turn?”, he threatened, affirming that “this agreement is not a a matter of no one but of a program.

Alliance with the RN: Sarkozy criticizes Ciotti

Nicolas Sarkozy criticizes Eric Ciotti’s decision to join the National Rally – because it carries the risk, in his eyes, that the contested boss of LR becomes “a “supplementary” of the RN – and considers that Jordan Bardella lacks experience to to be Prime Minister. Éric Ciotti, whose exclusion from the presidency of the Republicans was invalidated by the courts, “should have submitted to the governing bodies of his party his conviction of the need for an alliance with the RN and proposed to the members of decide by electronic vote within a short time”, estimates the former President of the Republic in the JDD.

“The question would then have been resolved calmly and incontestably. There would not have been a denial of democracy,” adds the former boss of the right. Basically, Nicolas Sarkozy judges this LR – RN alliance “all the more inopportune when the Republican right is so weak because it is then an absorption”. “Being the deputy of the RN is not an ambition but an acknowledgment of renunciation,” he summarizes. “Allying yourself with the National Rally today means putting yourself in the shoes of a 28-year-old young man who, if he succeeds, will not leave your place, and if he fails, will take you with him” , he insists.
