Gabon joins the global campaign for women’s rights “HeForShe”

Gabon joins the global campaign for womens rights HeForShe

Gabon has just joined the global campaign “HeForShe” (“Him for her”), a movement whose goal is to involve men and boys as key actors in the fight for gender equality and human rights. women.

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

An official ceremony was organized Tuesday in Libreville for the launch of the “HeForShe” campaign. It will take place throughout the country for several years. ” We have more than fifty countries involved around the world. In Africa in particular, there are 15. Gabon becomes the fifteenth country said Oulimata Sarr, UN Women Regional Director for West and Central Africa. She came from Dakar to participate in the launch of this campaign which will take place in the form of awareness in schools, administrations and via commercials.

Dear men and dear boys, this battle is also yours.

HeForShe » is not a feminist movement, but a fight that involves men in order to eliminate violence against women and ensure equality between women and men, recalled the Gabonese Prime Minister, Rose Christiane Ossouka Raponda. ” Dear men and dear boys, this battle is also yours. We therefore need you because you are important players in the fight for equality she said when she officially launched the campaign.

To get redacted from the Civil Code all discriminatory provisions towards women and set up the “Gabon Equality” program, President Ali Bongo was awarded the “HeForShe” prize on Tuesday, like the former American president, Barak Obama.

In Gabon, several institutions, including the Prime Minister, are headed by women. In June 2009, Rose Francine Rogombé took over as interim President of the Republic for four months after the death of Omar Bongo.
