G7 plans to cap Russian oil prices to increase pressure on Moscow

G7 plans to cap Russian oil prices to increase pressure

After Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s participation by videoconference in the G7 summit on Monday June 27, the leaders gathered in Bavaria reaffirmed their support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. While Washington has declared that it plans to increase its military support for the Ukrainian army, the group is considering another avenue for increasing pressure on Russia: capping Russian oil prices on international markets.

With our special correspondent in Garmisch Partenkirchen, Daniel Vallot

Capping the price of Russian oil would have a double advantage in the eyes of the United States, in the maneuver to impose this idea on the G7 countries: on the one hand, reducing the resources drawn from oil by Russiaon the other hand, to limit the consequences of soaring energy prices for consumer countries.

But for the moment this idea is the subject of discussions and debates within the G7. Its application risks being quite uncertain “, underlines the French presidency.

France would like to explore other avenues in the face of the energy crisis, in particular wishing that producing countries produce more ” exceptionally “. Paris is also pleading for a ” diversification of supplies », in particular with a « remarketing ” of the Iranian and Venezuelan oil – two countries that are subject to US sanctions.

In addition, the G7 countries plan to go back on a commitment made in the context of the fight against climate change: that of no longer financing infrastructure projects in the hydrocarbon sector.

For several days, environmental NGOs have been concerned about a possible reversal of the G7 in this dossier, which, according to these NGOs, would undermine the carbon neutrality objectives set by rich countries within the framework of the fight against climate change.
