G7: focus on China, nuclear fusion and international taxation in the final declaration

G7 focus on China nuclear fusion and international taxation in

(Finance) – Relations with Chinaabandonment of Russian gas and commitment to nuclear fusionresponsible use of‘artificial intelligence also on a military level and a international taxation fairer. These are some of the points present in the final declaration of the G7. According to what was reported by Ansa, the final declaration also includes Floor Mattei. “The G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, including initiatives such as the EU Global Gateway, offers a framework that we will use to advance our vision of sustainable, resilient and economically viable infrastructure in Africa, supported by a transparent selection of projects, procurement, and finance. In this sense, we welcome the Mattei Plan for Africa launched by Italy”, reads the final declaration of G7 of Borgo Egnazia.

The G7 recognizes “China’s importance in trade global” and is not “seeking to harm” or “hinder its economic development” but expresses “concerns” about its industrial policies which “are leading to global spillovers and market distortions,” the statement reads. In particular, the G7 calls on China “to refrain from adopting control measures exportsin particular of minerals criticswhich could lead to significant global supply chain disruptions.”

As regards thepower the statement establishes that the technology of fusion nuclear “It has the potential to provide a lasting solution to the global challenges of climate change and energy security.” The G7 “will promote international cooperation to accelerate the development of fusion plants and to develop private investment and public sector involvement”. With this objective, the G7 is “committed to establishing a Nuclear Fusion Working Group” and “welcomes the decision of Italy and theInternational Atomic Energy Agency to hold the inaugural ministerial summit” of the Working Group in Rome.

The document also states that the G7 “remains committed to strengthening the regulated international multilateral trading system” and to “implementing a more stable and fair international tax systemsuitable for the twenty-first century”. The G7 aims to “develop international cooperation on tax issues starting from the results already achieved, with the widest participation of developed and developing countries”.

The Prime Minister Georgie Melons on the sidelines of the G7 Summit he met the President of the United States Joe Biden. A note from Palazzo Chigi reports that the two leaders discussed the main issues of international current affairs, in particular taking stock of the evolution of the war in Russian aggression against Ukraine and on common efforts to support Kiev, including financial ones, in view of the future NATO Summit of Washington.

The meeting also made it possible to reiterate the common commitment to an overall agreement with reference to the conflict Gaza for the end of hostilities, the release of hostages and the strengthening of humanitarian support for the civilian population. The importance of restarting the peace process with the aim of a two-state solution was also highlighted.

On a bilateral level, President Meloni and President Biden expressed satisfaction with the progress of the relations bilateral and of collaboration in the economic-financial field, as well as the cooperation launched between the Mattei Plan for Africa and the Partenership for Global Infrastructure and Investment through the event on the sidelines of the Summit co-chaired by the two Presidents. In this context, the Italian contribution to the creation of the infrastructure project was recalled “Lobito Corridor”.
