G20 meeting shrinks for Modi

— But I will be able to meet him anyway, Biden told reporters in connection with an appearance in Delaware, according to the Bloomberg news agency.

However, Biden did not say anything about when or where this meeting with Xi Jinping, if so, could take place.

The two last met at the last G20 meeting, in Bali, Indonesia last November. The US had hoped to thaw the frosty relations with China somewhat in connection with the Delhi meeting.

According to consensus reports, but no official confirmation yet, the Chinese president does not intend to travel to the G20 meeting. Another who has informed the host, Indian President Narendra Modi that he will not be coming is Russian President Vladimir Putin.

That Putin does not think it would be particularly attractive to go to New Delhi is not unexpected, but that Xi Jinping will not be seen as a setback for Modi either. India and China have been fighting over border areas in the Himalayas for a long time, a conflict that has been given new life recently. The other day, a new standard Chinese map drew the ire of India because it showed two disputed territories as Chinese.
