G-spot: what is it?

G spot what is it

The G-spot or Gräfenberg point is an erogenous zone located on the front of the vagina three or four centimeters from the opening, and whose stimulation directly leads to a Orgasm in the woman. This term, which appeared in the 1980s, refers to earlier work by researcher Ernst Gräfenberg (1811-1957) concerning the role of the urethra in the female orgasm.

Where is the G-spot located?

If the notion of G-spot has been widely accepted by the general public, its anatomical reality is not the subject of a scientific consensus. Some controversial studies have reported the existence of an erectile fibro-connective tissue structure and the data provided by imaging are contradictory (evidence of thickening of vascular or glandular origin). From a point of view geneticthere is, moreover, no evidence supporting the existence of the G-spot.

The characterization of an area (rather than a point) of dynamic convergence between urethra, clitoris and vagina nevertheless makes it possible to harmonize the notion of the G-spot, from a functional rather than anatomical point of view. This clitoral-urethrovaginal complex (CUV), which represents all the organs involved in female sexual activity, involves different structures such as the sphincter of the urethra, the internal part of the clitoris and the anterior face of the vagina.

Moreover, it is in this area – along the urethra – that the glands of Skene (only in women) who, at the time ofOrgasmsecrete a liquid transparent whose role is unknown and which is compared to female ejaculation.

G-spot erogeneity

Although the existence of the G-spot still remains in the domain of self-knowledge, the orgasm it generates could be the result of an indirect stimulation clitoris. Indeed, during a penetration, the cavernous body of the clitoris lean against the internal face of the vagina. The wealth of neurosensory endings in this internal area could explain the triggering of pleasure.

Identified by a certain number of women, the G-spot nevertheless remains an area of ​​enigmatic exploration in female sexuality, and probably interacts with the braincoordinating center of pleasure and desire.

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