G Rent, main shareholder Esperia Investor rises to 51.26% after Aucap

G Rent the offer on the stock exchange of the

(Finance) – G RentProptech Company active in the luxury and listed and listed buildings sector on Euronext Growth Milan, communicated that Esperia Investor Srl (jointly controlled by DB Real Estate Srl, a company attributable to Bartolo’s family, and by Antonio Ferrara) has exceeded the significant threshold of 50% of the capital social representative of actions that confer voting rights, following the signing of the actions from the capital increase

In particular, Esperia Investor Srl, following the signing of 808,839 shares during the option period and 1,130,288 inopted shares, said she held 4,188,404 ordinary shares, equal to 51.26% of the shares with voting rights (before the capital increase in the Esestor Srl option, he held 2,249,277 shares equal to 36.95% of the shares with the right to vote).

G Rent recalls that the Statute provides that the obligation to promote a public purchase offer (opa) provided for by the TUF (so -called Opa consolidation) does not apply until the date of the assembly convened to approve the budget relating to the fifth year following the start of the negotiations of the shares on Euronext Growth Milan.
