Future police student Jonathan in Sundsvall welcomes the government’s proposal on student loans

Representatives of the Tidöpartierna presented the investment in the judiciary at a press conference on Wednesday. A central part of the investment is to attract more people to police training through the possibility of written off student loans.

Jonathan Häggblom from Sundsvall, who will start at the Police Academy in Umeå in the spring of 2025, thinks the investment is very positive.

– It would have been fun to see the proposal go through. It would have made it easier for many and made it more attractive to study to become a police officer, he says.

“Attractiveness to police training is good”

In addition to investing in police training, the Tidö parties also want to strengthen the security police’s ability to reduce threats from extremism and foreign powers. The expansion of the correctional service must continue with full force, and the courts must be given the resources to handle the increasing number of cases and strengthen security.

– All ways to create attractiveness for police training are, of course, good. But it is at least as important to create good workplaces with a good working environment and strong team spirit, says Josef Wiklund, police area manager in Västernorrland.

See and hear Jonathan Häggblom and Josef Wiklund here in the clip above.
