Something weird and funny happened at a phone repair shop in Miami Gardens. A suspect commits a robbery with a cardboard box over his head He tried to hide his identity. However, iPhoneHis attempt was unsuccessful when the box slipped while he was unwittingly revealing his identity by breaking glass screens to steal the .
Store owner, thief 19 iPhones and a substantial $8,000 in cash He announced that he ran away with the money. Estimated total value of stolen goods and cash, as reported in the news 15,000 dollars found it.
However, the thief unwittingly revealed his identity during the robbery. Caught on security camera footage, the suspect lifted the cardboard box covering his head to better see the targeted phones he wanted to steal. This is unexpected The act of self-disclosure is a crucial clue for law enforcement in their investigation provided.
According to the owner of the store, the incident Saturday morning around 4am occurred and asked him to review the security camera footage. The owner, who recognized the suspect’s face in the video, said that his workplace was located. around the shopping plaza made a comprehensive review.
After the suspect’s face was identified in the security camera footage, the cautious shopkeeper launched an investigation in the shopping plaza building, urging residents to report anyone who saw the criminal. Fluke, A report was received that the perpetrator was casually socializing with friends at a neighboring liquor store.
Responsive shopkeeper, without wasting time Notified Miami Gardens Police Department and led to the immediate arrest of the person involved.