Funeral of Emilie Dequenne: the stars pay a last tribute to the actress

Funeral of Emilie Dequenne the stars pay a last tribute

The funeral of Emilie Dequenne took place this Wednesday afternoon at the Crematorium of Père-Lachaise. The relatives of the actress, but also of the celebrities, come to pay her a final tribute.

The funeral ofEmilie Dequennedied on March 16 at the age of 43, took place this afternoon at the Père-Lachaise crematorium in Paris. The death of the actress caused shock within French cinema, with many tributes paid by many actors and actresses on social networks. Unsurprisingly, many professionals in the seventh art have come for the latter farewell to Emilie Dequenne. The Dardenne brothers are present: they had revealed the actress in Rosettafor which she had obtained an interpretation prize at the Cannes Film Festival. We have also seen Anne Marivin, Alex Lutz, Alice Belaïdi, Emmanuelle Beart, Mathilde Seigner or Albert Dupontel.

The family asked that, in accordance with the wish of Emilie DEQUENNE, no flowers be purchased. On the other hand, they encourage to donate to the Gustave Roussy Institute to “help us to advance research on corticosurrenaloma”, a rare cancer that has won the Belgian actress. If the religious ceremony and the cremation take place in Paris, a tribute ceremony is also planned in the city of Chièvres, in Belgium, and will take place “during the delivery of the book of condolences to the family”.

A fight against mediated cancer

Emilie Dequenne fought extremely rare cancer for long months, corticosurrenaloma. Disturbing the endocrine system, this disease affects only one to two people out of one million inhabitants per year in France. The interpreter of Rosetta In the eponymous film of the Dardenne brothers did not make a secret of his illness. Émilie Duquenne had announced the arrival of cancer in her life in October 2023 in a message posted on Instagram: “Since mid-August, where I have undergone a heavy emergency operation, I continue to heal myself. It is not easy every day, but I am determined to defeat this rare cancer who decided to come and upset my life. I will not let myself do it,” she said. And time first agreed to him: a few months later, in April 2024, the actress announced that she was in remission.

Cancer, however, returned to the field last December plunging the multi -thorough actress into the relapse. Émilie Dequenne had expressed her condition on TF1 that with this increasingly aggressive disease she would not live “as long as expected”. The Belgian made a good heart against bad fortune, keeping a smile on her social networks, but remained lucid: “We will never talk about healing.”

Several times awarded as the best actress

Émilie Dequenne was kept away from the film sets and the theater boards in recent months, because of the recurrence of her cancer. But the actress had time to mark the world of cinema before going out with a career started in 1999, she was not yet 18 years old, and filled with success. The first obtained from his first role under the objective of the Dardenne brothers for the film Rosetta which will earn him the prize for female interpretation at the Cannes Film Festival. She was again awarded the Croisette in 2012 for her role in To lose the reason.

Five times appointed to the César, Émilie Dequenne was finally devoted in 2021 by winning the prize of best actress in a supporting role for The things we say, the things we do. The actress had made a raid at home, in Belgium, with several victories at the Magritte du Cinéma, the Belgian equivalent of the César. She had won the Best Actress Prize in 2013, 2015 and 2018 respectively for her roles in To lose the reason,, Not his genre And With us. In 2023, it was the price of best actress in a supporting role that had been given to her for the film Closed.

A long career of more than 25 years, rich and varied with roles in large productions and successes in authors’ films. Émilie Dequenne left a trace in French cinema underlines the Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, who reacted to the death of the actress: “We were all marked by her overwhelming interpretations in strong roles. French -speaking cinema loses, too early, a talented actress who still had so much to offer her”.

19:21 – A tribute soon to Émilie Dequenne in Belgium

Émilie Dequenne’s family announced that after the actress’ funeral on Wednesday, a tribute ceremony will soon be organized in the city where they grew up: Chièvres, in Belgium. “It is a request from the family,” said the Bourgmestre de Chièvres, Zoë Delhaye, in the Belgian media. And to add: “It will be held when the condolence book is handed over to the family, but no date has yet been set, or even the details of the tribute ceremony. Let the family lives for a difficult moment …”

18:45 – Michel Ferracci, the husband of Émilie Dequenne, supported by his sons

Michel Ferracci, the husband of Émilie Dequenne, supported by his sons - funeral by Emilie Dequenne © JP Pariente/SIPA

This is one of the images that mark the funeral of Émilie Dequenne: her husband Michel Ferracci arriving alongside her two sons present to support him. Émilie Dequenne and he had been attended since 2008 and said yes in 2014 at the town hall of the 10th arrondissement of Paris.

16:26 – What is the drawing present on the forecourt of Santa -Lachaise?

Instead of the traditional photo, it is a drawing which was affixed to the entrance to the crematorium of Père-Lachaise for the funeral of Emilie Dequenne. According to AFP, this is a drawing entitled “The Courage and Light” by Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, published on Instagram on the day of the announcement of the death of the Belgian actress, to pay tribute to her.

15:40 – Emmanuelle Béart, Sami Bouajila .. The stars present

Several celebrities and personalities of the seventh art made the trip to pay a final tribute to Emilie Dequenne. This Wednesday, Paris-Match noted the presence of the actors Sami Bouajila, Jeremie Renier, Emmanuelle Beart but also the former agent Dominique Besnehard.

15:34 – The Dardenne brothers are present at the funeral

The funeral of Emilie Dequenne currently takes place at the Crematorium of Père-Lachaise in a family atmosphere. According to AFP information, the Dardenne brothers are present to pay tribute to the actress, whom they had revealed in their film Rosetta. The actress’s husband, Michel Ferracci, as well as her children, are obviously present.

10:03 – The funeral of Emilie Dequenne take place this afternoon

Ten days after the death of the Belgian actress, a final tribute was paid to her. It was this Wednesday, March 26, 2025, from 3.30 p.m., that the funeral takes place at the Crematorium du Père-Lachaise in Paris.
