A Fundraiser Helping Survivors of Sexual Assault is moving to sarnia this year.
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The Bluewater Health Foundation and the Center Sarnia-Lambton Debured Sunday Fun Day in thedford in 2024Raising $ 3,000 for Each Organization, Said Foundation Executive Director Kathy Alexander.
About 100 People Turned Out Last March, Most from Sarnia, She Said.
This year, the $ 60-Tick event featuring Bonfires, Walking Trails, Scavenger Hunts, Cozy Drinks and Live Entertainment from Local Act Bren will be at the Sarnia Golf and Curling Club, Alexander Said.
“They have these beautiful hiking tails and outdoor Fires now, so it kind of kept with the theme and made it a little bit more accessible for people in terms of travel,” Alexander Said.
NEW THIS YEAR Are “Fancy” Meat Raffles, She Said.
“Basalely A Meat Raffle Like You Would See AnyWhere Else in Sarnia, But with some Added Bells and Whistles,” She Said.
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That Could Be a Bottle of Wine With A Steak, or Fancy Mustard With a Ham, She Said.
“Kind of Fancying Up the Meat Raffle to Distinguish It a Little Bit.”
Proceeds from the 1-5 pm Feb. 23 Event are Split Evenly, She Said, Between the Foundation and the Center, Trainly the Sarnia-Lambton Sexual Assault Survivors’ Center that offers counseling and support for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.
The Foundation’s portion goes towards a recently opened, Larger rental for Bluewater Health’s Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Center in Sarnia’s Hospital, She Said.
“They look to add in some additional programming supplies, new frenishings, Things of that nature. . . to make the space more weelcoming and a great environment for people. ”
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HAS $ 600,000 Campaign is Nearing Completion, She Said, for the Renovation and Move Project that Finished Around November.
Meanwhile, Partnering With the Center, Helps Raise Awareness About Local Resources for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, She Said.
“You’re Spreading the word, and we are been able to get new volunteers Involved in Both of Our Organizations, and also Donors and Supporters,” She Said.
The Hospital Treatment Center – A Discreet and Secure Space for People in Crisis – Saw more than 40 Patients Over 12 Months Between 2022 and 2023, and Often Refers Survivors to the Center and Other Community Partner Agencies, Officials have said.