Nurse Practitioner-Run Care Access Centers in Sarnia and Wyoming have Received Funding for Another Two Years.
Nurse Practitioner-Run Care Access Centers in Sarnia and Wyoming have Received Funding for Another Two Years.
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Ontario’s Health Minister Will Provide $ 910,000 A Year Over the Next Two Years To The Rapids Family Health Team, Central Lambton Family Health Team and North Lambton Community Health Center for the Access Centers Located At 481 London RD., In Sarnia, and the Plympton-Wyoming Health and Wellness Center on Broadway Street in Wyoming.
Last Year, The Partners Received One-Time Funding of $ 910,000 from the province for the Two Sites Aimed at Providing Residents Alternatives to Going to Hospital Emergency Rooms With Non-Emergency Illnesses.
“Over the Past Year, We’ve Seen over 7,000 patients” for “Same-day, Next-Day Urgent Care,” Said Nicole Veenema, A Manager with the Central Lambton Family Health Team.
That included coughs, Colds, Flu, Sore Throats and, in Wyoming, Some Mental Health Services, She Said. The Also Centers Offer Some After-Hours Service, Veenema Said.
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HAVING FUNDING COMMITTED for Two Years “is really Going to give us a chance to look at those that are accessing” The centers and “donation have a primary care provider,” Said Nadine Neve, Executive Lead with the Sarnia-Lambton Ontario Health Health Health Team.
The Partnership Will Work On Getting People Connected With Programs, Such As Dietitians, at the Family Health Teams and the Community Health Center, While Also Working to Help Them Find Primary Care Providers, She Said.
About 10,000 Sarnia-Area Residents Are Currently Without A Primary Care Provider, According to the Health Team.
“I think that’s a lot of the work that we go to go to focus on now that we know that fanding is carrying on for the next two years,” neve said.
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One-Time Funding Often Comes With An Expectation The Content Will “Provis The Program” So Receiving Multi-Year Funding is “Hugely Positive,” She Said.
“The Teams have done a really good job of making sure that people know these are there,” Neve Said. “Opening up the Rural Site Really Helped for Access Out that way.”
The Centers Were Able to Meet Targets they were Given with the Initial One-Time Funding Last April, She Said.
“The Initial Funding Helped Us to Expand Our Services, and this continuation will allow us to Further Our Mission of Ensting Residents Receive The right care, where and when they need it Most,” Lynn Laidler, Executive Director of the Rapids Family Health Team, Said in a statement.
The Wyoming Center is Located in A Train Bank Building Now Owned and Operated by the Municipality of Plympton-Wyoming.
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“We’re Quite please with it,” Mayor Gary Atkinson Said About The New Funding. “This funding is really important for the longevity of our wellness center.”
Use of the Center is Increasing, As Are Its Hours, and it “has been a cornerstone of our community,” Atkinson Said.
The municipality is considering minor renovations to create more space for the care access center, he said.
Neve Praised the Partnership by the Three Organizations Involved in the Care Access Centers.
“This group is Exceptional at Just Working Together, Coming Up With Things that work” and adapting to what’s happening in the community, she Said.
Information on the Sarnia and Wyoming Care Access Centers can be found online at and RAPIDSFHTEAM.CA.