Funding announced for indiguenous health care improvises in sarnia-lambton

Indigenous Health-Care Services in Sarnia-Lambton Are Getting A Boost.

Indigenous Health-Care Services in Sarnia-Lambton Are Getting A Boost.

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The Sarnia-Lambton Ontario Health Team This Week Announced $ 850,000 in Provincial Funding for Two Emergency Department Navigators for Indigenous Patients, Mobilecare Health Bus Services to Walpole Island First Nation, More Primary Care Access from the Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic in Sarnia, Improved Mental Health Care Access, and Increased Culturally Responsive Cancer and Chronic Disease Screening.

Details are pending on preventative screening hires, but Two navigators to help with cultural awareness and support when people visit sarnia’s emergency Department start at Bluewater Health April 1, Said Nadine Neve, Executive Lead with the Local Ontario Health Team.

“It’s sometimes a scary time for people when they are accessing the emergency Department,” She Said. “So, to have that cultural awareness there and just that support from those navigators, we felt was really important.”

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The Two Emergency Department Positions, 12 hour a day, Seven Days a Week, Are On Top of Three Existing Indiguenous patient navigators who help people when they need hospital care, included coordinating ceremonies like Smudging and Other Traditional Healing In Hospital, Neve Said.

Visting Hospital Can Exacerbate Trauma, Including Past Instances of Prejudicial Treatment, and the Generational Effects of Canada’s Residential School System, Hospital Officials have Said.

Providing More Health-Care Services, Including Traditional Healing, in Sarnia-Lambton, in Local First Nations-Aamjiwnaang, Walpole Island and Kettle and Stony Point-and in Cooperation with the Sarnia-Lambton Native Friendship Center for Sarnia’s Urban Indigenous Population is Key, Neve Said.

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“Building Those Relationships,” She Said. “I think that’s a really key piece of this is having continued providers that the community starts to know and trust and just building Those Relationships.”

In Three-Year, $ 700,000-A-Year Health Minister Funding Commitment Started About A Year Ago and Continues Until March 31, 2027, Neve Said.

Another $ 150,000 was Awarded for Preventative Screening Programs in 2024-25, and May be Renew Yearly, She Said.

“We Will Be Waiting to Hear Again.”

The Funding also Provids Trauma-Informed-Care Training for the Local Ontario Health Team’s 40 Partner Organizations, and Paid for a Two-Day Reclaiming Health, Honouring Traditions Symposium in Point Edward Wednesday and Thursday, Where The Funding Announce Took Place, Neve Said.

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The Gathering was “Focused Around Traditional Healing and That Intersection Between Traditional Healing and Western Medicine,” She Said, noting Sarnia-Lambton’s Health Team Was One of Several Selected in Ontario for the Funding.

“We pretty Progressive in Sarnia-Lambton as the Far as the indigenous-focused services and the collaboration that all of the partners have with the indigue HEALTH LEADERS,” Neve Said.

The Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton-Kent and North Lambton Community Health Center Are also Partner Organizations in the Health-Care Access and Equity Project, Officials Said in A News Release.

Providing More Access to Mental Health Resources in Local Indigenous Communities is also Key, Officials Said.

“Through this collective Approach, we can foster More Equitable and Culturally Sensitive Health Systems, Which Will Ultimately Contribute to the Long-Term Health and Well-Being of indigenous Communities,” Said Kettle and Stony Point First Nation Health Director Boris Boris.

Ontario Health Team Board Vice-Chair Paula Reaume-Zimmer, also Bluewater Health’s President and CEO, Naded the Project is Led by indigenous Community Officials, While The Ontario Health Team Helps Advise and Facilitate.

“I think that’s the right recipy for our community,” She Said.

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