Fund of funds, AMF Italia: “satisfaction for new CDP provisions”

Fund of funds AMF Italia satisfaction for new CDP provisions

(Finance) – AMF Italia – Intermediaries Association Financial Markets welcomes with great satisfaction the new provisions that will allow Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to subscribe up to 49% of the shares issued by newly constitution OICRs that invest in Italian SMEs, listed or quotands in regulated markets or Italian MTFs, with the remaining 51% of the shares of these OICRs signed by Italian private institutional investors. In particular, these rules provide that an amount between 35 and 50 million euros of the intended assets managed by CDP can be invested in each new constitution -constitution and, by these, in Italian SMEs, also with a turnover of less than 50 million euros.

Amf Italy
He has actively contributed to the long and articulated debate that has led to this important step, which will allow to relaunch the liquidity of the exchanges on the market and the Italian production system, characterized by a very large presence of small and medium -sized enterprises and, therefore, to further support the occupation and competitiveness of the entrepreneurial system as well as collective well -being.

“We are happy that such an important milestone has been reached, that it will certainly bring tangible benefits for small-medie businesses and, in general, for the market. The Association, which has contributed actively to the debate to achieve this important result,-he said Marco Ventoruzzo, president of Amf Italia – Now wait for the government to approve a system of incentives to relaunch financial research on SMEs “.
