Fully developed fire in villa


  • Fully developed fire in villa


    Matilda Aprea Malmqvist

    So’s alarm has received a call that flames are about to break out from a villa in Skellefteå.

    According to the newspaper The north the emergency services are on site.

    – It’s a fully developed fire on the second floor, we don’t know if anyone is still there. What the emergency services are doing right now is that they are going in with smoke divers to investigate if anyone is still in the house, says Madde, alarm and line operator at Räddningscentral Nord to the newspaper.

    Ten resources and two ambulances have been alerted to the scene.


  • Car and bus have collided in Karlstad

    A passenger car and a bus have collided on Hamngatan in Karlstad. The bus must have driven into the side of the car.

    According to the police, who are now on their way to investigate the accident, no one has been injured.

  • Bus in a ditch – tens of passengers on board

    A bus has slid into a ditch on Ekerö where between ten and twelve passengers are said to have been on board.

    Police, emergency services and an ambulance have been called to the scene.

    – All passengers must have been helped out of the bus and no one has been injured, says the police spokesperson.

  • Woman got into car – threw stone

    At 12:45 the police received a call about an assault in Gamlestaden in Gothenburg.

    A 35-year-old woman allegedly got into a couple’s car and then became violent. Among other things, she allegedly threw a stone at the man and kicked the woman on the lower body. However, they should not have received any serious injuries.

    The female perpetrator left the scene on an electric scooter.

    – We then get directions to where she is going and can then arrest her. The woman also called the police herself, says Jens Andersson, police spokesperson.

    She is now arrested, suspected of theft by burglary and assault.

    – The arrest went smoothly and then we’ll see what she says in the interrogation.

  • Motorcycle accident in Ludvika – one taken to hospital

    There has been a single accident involving a motorcycle in the municipality of Ludvika, just north of Gravendal.

    The alarm came in at 11.21.

    Ambulance and police are called to the scene of the accident.

    A man has been taken to hospital, the condition of his injuries is unknown.

    Police remain at the scene of the accident to carry out investigative measures.

  • Serbian policeman shot with crossbow

    A member of the Serbian Gendarmerie, a paramilitary organized police force, was shot in the neck with a crossbow in front of the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbian Public Service reports.

    In a statement, the country’s interior minister calls the incident an act of terrorism.

    The police allegedly shot the perpetrator in self-defense, who also later died of his injuries.

    The victim suffered serious injuries and is in the hospital.

  • Paraglider has crashed – one injured

    Ambulance, rescue service and police during the rescue operation. Photo: Reader picture

    A paraglider has crashed on the coast next to Hammar’s slopes, outside Ystad.

    – The alarm just came in. We are on our way to the scene together with the emergency services and ambulance, says the police spokesperson.

    – There have been two people hanging under the screen. One has injured himself and was occasionally unconscious. But is now awake and talkative, says the duty officer of the rescue service.

    The emergency services are now working to transport the injured person to an ambulance.

    The accident happened at Hammar’s slopes, outside Ystad. Photo: Google maps

  • Woman found dead in Hultsfred – man arrested

    A man has been arrested after a woman was found dead in a home in Hultsfred.

    The police write on their website that there are unclear circumstances surrounding the death, which means that they are currently investigating it as a murder.

    – The alarm came in at 08.36. The residence is cordoned off for a technical examination now, says the police spokesperson.

    The police are knocking on doors in the area.

    Relatives have been notified.

  • New EU sanctions against Belarus

    Due to Belarus’ involvement in Russia’s war against Ukraine, the EU is imposing new sanctions on trade, services, transport and anti-circumvention.

    The sanctions should mirror several of the restrictive measures already in place against Russia, thus addressing the issue of circumvention of Russian sanctions arising from the high degree of integration that exists between the Russian and Belarusian economies.

  • Suspected dangerous object

    The police have cordoned off an area in the center of Hägernäs in Täby in Stockholm.

    The National Bomb Squad is on site and investigating the object.

    Some premises and homes within the cordoned off area have been occupied. The closures also have some impact on local traffic.

    Read more here.

  • Technical error at Swedbank – transfers withdrawn several times

    A technical error has occurred at Swedbank, which means that transfers have been withdrawn several times.

    A woman Aftonbladet spoke to has had SEK 15,000 withdrawn from her account.

    – We deeply regret this, of course, and are working hard to remedy this as quickly as possible, says Hannes Mård, press officer at Swedbank.

    Read more here.

  • Swedish gang members convicted in Finland

    The network smuggled over 300 kilos of drugs across the border to Finland. Archive image. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

    Four Swedish members of the criminal network Death Patrol have been sentenced to prison in Finland for serious drug offences.

    A total of 22 people are sentenced in an extensive drug bust.

    According to the preliminary investigation, the criminal network smuggled over 300 kilos of drugs and over a million narcotic tablets into Finland, reports Svenska EPN.

    Almost thirty men were suspected of having participated in the smuggling. The nine main suspects were sentenced to prison terms of between six and ten years for serious drug offences.

    The four men who belong to the Swedish criminal network Dödspatrullen were sentenced to the longest sentences, between six and ten years, according to Hufvudstadsbladet. Ten years is the maximum sentence for serious drug offenses in Finland.

  • Suspected attempted murder in Nordmaling

    On Friday evening, the police were alerted to an address in Nordmaling municipality where an elderly man allegedly assaulted a relative during an argument.

    The man is said to have used a sharp knife, and the beaten man is taken to medical care with serious injuries.

    The suspect is arrested and later detained by prosecutors.

    The incident is being investigated as attempted murder.

  • One to hospital after fire in Haninge

    The emergency services received an alarm at eight in the morning from a person who smelled smoke in his stairwell.

    The emergency services go to the residential building in Brandbergen in Haninge south of Stockholm and find that there is a fire in one of the apartments.

    The person who was in the apartment is urgently taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The fire was extinguished and did not spread to the other apartments.

  • Attempted rape in Strömstad

    A woman was the victim of an attempted rape on Friday evening just before midnight. It took place outdoors in central Strömstad near the harbour.

    A man allegedly held her down and tried to take her clothes off.

    After a while, the man left the scene and managed to get the woman’s gold ring.

    The police were called to the scene and searched for the perpetrator, including with a dog.

    – We have secured traces after a technical investigation. We are looking for the suspected perpetrator and would like to receive tips from the public if observations have been made in the immediate area, says Jens Andersson, police spokesperson.

    The incident is being investigated as attempted aggravated rape and robbery.

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    Ask us

    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • In your top news right now, it says that a top broker is convicted of financial crimes, long prison sentences, but no names.

    In the next news regarding murder and rape or for that matter if it is gang-related, you write out the name and post a picture of the perpetrators. what makes the difference? it’s still the case that there are people who are sentenced to rather long sentences, I don’t see the difference, criminal as criminal!

    Kenneth Eriksson

    Hi Kent! All name and picture publications are made on a case-by-case basis. You can read about how we reason here.

  • SMHI warns of torrential rain, you just wrote, but not when it would come, just where.


  • 4 helicopters (including 1 police-marked) came at high speed from Danderydshållet in 4-position along Bogesundslandet & went towards Värmdö.

    Have you heard anything more about the shooting?

    May 1

    An SL bus was shot at but no passengers were injured. No one has been arrested as I write this either. You can read more about the event here.

  • Next to the name day presentation, at the top of your website, there was a weather link that disappeared a couple of days ago, where do I find it now?


    Hmm, that sounds strange. When I check, the weather link is still there.

  • I would very much like to know why you don’t do your own journalism anymore. In every other article you can read references to other media, both Swedish and foreign. You have become a “copy-paste” magazine. Sad but true…


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