Full moon 2023: which astrological signs are impacted by its effects?

Full moon 2023 which astrological signs are impacted by its

FULL MOON. The June 4 full moon placed under the sign of Sagittarius will be a lucky lunation. According to astrology experts, the astrological signs most favored by this phenomenon are Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.

[Mis à jour le 1er juin 2023 à 21h34] This Sunday, June 4, 2023, the full moon will be placed under the aegis of Sagittarius, a dynamic zodiac sign and an eternal optimist. If the astronomical phenomenon of the full moon is qualified as “full moon of Strawberries”, that has nothing to do with the color of the star. The full moon owes its nickname to Native American tribes, which refer to the time of year when the fruit is grown.

According to astrologers, all the astrological signs of fire and earth would benefit from its positive aura. We tell you more below. If scientists do not validate the theory of the effects of the Moon on this or that astrological sign, it would indeed exert a magneto-gravitational influence on living things. What are these effects of the full moon on our body and our mood? In our file below, you will know everything.

Here’s to a joyful full moon! The June 4 full moon in the fire sign of Sagittarius represents hope and a philosophy of life that fits perfectly with the phrase “seeing the glass half full,” according to the magazine’s astrologers. She. All the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) will live an enchanted interlude this weekend. The Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) will be invited to let go of the ballast, relax without stress. Nothing to report on the side of the Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) apart from a weekend under the sign of recklessness. On the other hand, the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), less carried by the fabulous energy of this full moon, will oscillate between melancholy and hope.

Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 5 hours 41 minutes and 44 seconds precisely the full moon will occur. The schedule is established by the Institute of Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris Calculation (IMCCE).

Why is the June Full Moon called the Full Strawberry Moon?

Called “Strawberry Full Moon” by Native American tribes, the full moon in June refers to the time of year when strawberries are harvested near the summer solstice.

The influence of the Moon on the Earth is real and scientifically proven: its role is well known and major in the tidal cycle, which itself has multiple implications for the life of our planet. The lunar cycle could also have a slight impact on our body and plants, but many popular legends give it much more importance than it really has: insomnia, aggression, gardening, hair growth, triggering of deliveries… We help you sort out the (very few) true from the false.

The year 2023 is a year with 13 full moons (two occurring in August). Here are the dates and times of the next full moons in 2023:

  • June 4 at 5:41 a.m.
  • July 3 at 1:40 p.m.
  • August 1 at 8:33 p.m.
  • August 31 at 3:37
  • September 29 at 11:59 a.m.
  • October 28 at 10:25 p.m.
  • November 27 at 10:17 a.m.
  • December 27 at 1:34 a.m.
