Full Moon 2023: The Effects of April’s Pink Moon on Your Zodiac Sign

Full Moon 2023 The Effects of Aprils Pink Moon on

FULL MOON. A new full moon is expected this Thursday, April 6, 2023. It will be the “pink moon”. But where does this funny nickname come from? What about the effects of the full moon on your body? Your sleep? Or even your astrological sign?

[Mis à jour le 5 avril 2023 à 22h11] Already visible in the sky this Wednesday evening, the moon will actually be completely full only at 6:46 a.m., Thursday April 6, 2023. You will therefore have to set your alarm clock early if you plan to observe the “pink moon“. Kézako? Do not imagine seeing a marshmallow-colored moon. At the risk of disappointing more than one, the “pink moon” is so nicknamed because it is the full moon which occurs each year in the month April, when the beautiful pink flowers called phlox bloom. A small name inherited from ancient times. To sum up, no need to set your alarm clock on Thursday morning to watch the phenomenon. There will be no show at Above all, don’t miss it at the risk of having to wait a millennium to relive it.

What about the effects of this pink moon on your sleep? Your mood? Your body ? Will it have an influence depending on your astrological sign? When will the next full moon be? Meaning, calendar, effects… Find all our file on the full moon.

This April full pink moon is a sign of rebirth, associated with spring. In short, this Full Moon will push all signs to sort out their relationships, heal their wounds and establish deeper connections. Let’s see its effects sign by sign:

Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 6:34 minutes and 31 seconds precisely will occur the next full moon. The schedule is established by the Institute of Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris Calculation (IMCCE).

The full moon owes its nickname to Native American tribes, which refer to the time of year when Phloxes, perennial flowering plants, bloom and suffuse landscapes with a beautiful pink color.

The influence of the Moon on life on Earth is real and scientifically proven, especially its role in the tidal cycle. The lunar cycle would have a real impact on our body, our mood and nature: insomnia, aggressiveness, tides, gardening, hair growth, onset of childbirth… We help you to disentangle the true from the false!

The full moon can raise the PH of the human body. According to the work of biophysicist Jeanne Rousseau, the body’s pH increases (perspiration, bile, saliva, urine) during the full moon, and decreases during the new moon. This is why there is an upsurge in urinary tract infections during this lunar phase.

The menstrual cycles of the woman can be disturbed during the full moon, because there would indeed exist a correlation between the menstrual cycle “greater than 27 days” and the lunar cycle (of 29.5 days), according to a study of the magazine scientist ScienceAdvance. Performed on 300 women, the study proves an intermittent synchronization. But “with age and exposure to artificial light at night, menstrual cycles shorten and lose this synchronization. We assume that in ancient times human reproductive behavior was synchronous with the Moon, but our modern lifestyles have altered reproductive physiology and behavior.”

The full moon disrupts the internal biological clock, increasing time to fall asleep by 5 minutes, reducing sleep duration by about 20 minutes and decreasing deep sleep time by 30%, according to a 2013 study by the journal Current Biology.

Stress, anxiety… The mood can change during the phase of the full moon, since the latter causes sleep disturbances. But each individual reacts more or less to its effects, we then speak of “luno-sensitivity”. The one who reacts most strongly to this influence on his mood will be said to be “badly in the mood”. On the other hand, no scientific study has succeeded in proving a relationship between the Moon and aggressiveness. No, the full moon does not affect your mental health: “We do not have more psychiatric patients in the emergency room on full moon nights,” said Matthieu Hein, a psychiatrist specializing in sleep disorders and mental illnesses at the hospital. Erasmus, at the RTBF in July 2019.

If the lunar divinities have, since the dawn of time, been associated with fertility, like Chandra for the Hindus, Artemis for the Greeks or Mama Quilla for the Incas, it is because the cycle lunar has a temporality very close to the menstrual cycle. Indeed, a lunar cycle lasts 29 days and 12 hours, and a menstrual cycle about 28 days. The legends then said that the new moon corresponded to the arrival of the rules, therefore of a new menstrual cycle, while the full moon was the day of ovulation, the most fertile of the menstrual cycle.

In Native American tribes, the menstrual cycles of women were modeled on the cycle of the Moon, and texts dating from the Middle Ages relate this same experience of “menstrual synchronization”, when women lived together. But it should be noted that at the time, the physiological cycle of the body depended on the natural light of the Moon and not artificial, as is currently the case since the invention of electricity. Is the female cycle naturally dependent on the lunar cycle nowadays? To date, there is no scientific evidence establishing this link with certainty.

While popular belief speaks of an onset of childbirth on full moon evenings, no scientific study has provided conclusive results to prove a link between the full moon and the number of births.

The full moon plays an indisputable role on the tides. On the surface of the earth, the water is subject to the attraction of the Moon, and the position of the latter determines the tides. At the full moon, the Sunthe Moon and the Earth being aligned, the forces of attraction add up, generating higher tides.

The full moon has its role to play in the development of plants. According Science and Future, “the influence of the circalunar (biological rhythm based on the cycle of the Moon)” exists on plants as well as on humans. “Moonlight has an effect on plant physiology” (germination), water uptake and sugar production rate of plants, promoting plant growth and yield. “Gardening while taking into account the cycles of this satellite could therefore prove to be very useful” concluded the review in its article.

Paradoxically, cutting your hair on full moon nights so that it grows back faster has not been scientifically proven, even if many hairdressers recommend cutting hair during the full moon in order to strengthen its structure.

The full moon is one of the 4 phases of the moon depending on its position in relation to the sun: first quarter, full moon, last quarter, new moon. During the full moon, the Sun, Earth and Moon are approximately aligned. Thus, the visible face of the Moon from the Earth appears totally illuminated by the Sun. There new Moon is, conversely, the phase during which the Moon is not visible from Earth. The return to the same phase occurs approximately every 29 days and 12 hours.

The year 2023 is a year with 13 full moons (two occurring in August). Here are the dates and times of the next full moons in 2023:

  • April 6 at 6:34 a.m.
  • May 5 at 7:35 p.m.
  • June 4 at 5:43 a.m.
  • July 3 at 1:40 p.m.
  • August 1 at 8:33 p.m.
  • August 31 at 3:37
  • September 29 at 11:59 a.m.
  • October 28 at 10:25 p.m.
  • November 27 at 10:17 a.m.
  • December 27 at 1:34 a.m.
