Full independence is aimed with Huawei HarmonyOS Next

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Huawei HarmonyOS Next Complete independence is aimed with the operating system. The release is allegedly in September can be introduced.

Huawei lost its licensed Android usage after the US embargo. That’s why he developed his own operating system and released it under the name HarmonyOS. “If this year HarmonyOS Next Wide-scale distribution will begin for the release. With this version, Support for installing Android APK, or Android application, will be completely eliminated. At an event held in recent months, Huawei official Zhu Yonggang said that there are already many HarmonyOS applications, more than 200 industry partners are working on new HarmonyOS applications, and the company aims to incorporate 5,000 partners by the end of 2024. Now, it has been said that all source codes connecting to the Huawei HarmonyOS Next operating system and US-based companies/systems will be eliminated. Huawei, which is said to establish a fully independent system by clearing all source codes based on Linux and Android, aims to have a software that does not block in any way.


HarmonyOS operating system has been a “Android clone” was described as, but the company constantly denied this. The father of HarmonyOS made another statement about this issue at the event he attended. Mr. Wang Chenglusaid that this was out of the question. So why was the HarmonyOS operating system constantly described as an Android clone? This is said because the basis of Huawei’s operating system is open source AOSP (Android Open Source Project) Components developed for were used. Mr. made a statement on this exact issue. Wang Chenglu wrote all the codes used in the Android operating system. Not developed by Googlestates that the codes also come from the open source community.

In other words, Mr. took some of the open source systems / codes on which Android was built and did not prepare HarmonyOS as a direct copy of Android. Wang Chenglu and his team developed their operating system Android And from iOS because it’s different He notes that HarmonyOS is designed to run on multiple devices. Stating that HarmonyOS leads all operating systems in the world in terms of technical architecture, Chenglu also stated that work on the system will continue.
