Full-body workout in just 20 minutes: 20-minute full-body workouts

It is possible to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way by using body work at home and a healthy diet program together. In order to lose weight, first of all, it is necessary to control the energy balance. In other words, it is necessary to reduce the difference between the amount of calories your body needs to take and the amount of calories you consume. It is very important to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Exercise helps you burn more calories by boosting your metabolism. In addition, paying attention to water consumption is important for reducing stress and getting enough sleep for weight loss. In addition to these, losing weight slowly and sustainably instead of losing weight quickly allows you to achieve healthier and long-term results.

What is a full body workout?

Full body training is an exercise program in which all major muscle groups of the body are worked in the same training. This program focuses on all muscle groups such as legs, chest, back, shoulders, arms and abdomen. Full body training is a very effective type of training, especially for people with time constraints. Because, working the whole body on each training day allows it to be done 2-3 times a week.

Full body training can usually be done using bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells and other fitness equipment. With its features such as high-intensity exercise, training multiple muscle groups, and short rest periods, the training is suitable for a variety of goals such as strength, endurance and cardio capacity.

How to do a full body workout?

By performing a full-body workout 2-3 times a week, you can increase your muscle mass, reduce body fat, and improve your overall fitness level. However, it is recommended that you speak to a specialist before starting any exercise program. It is also important to use the right techniques and not to overdo it. If you want to do a full body workout, you can follow these steps:

  • Warming: Before starting a full-body workout, prepare your muscles by doing warm-ups. You can choose activities such as cardio exercises, jogging, cycling or crosstrainer.
  • Main Training: In full body training, you need to do 3-4 exercises that will work each muscle group. These can include exercises such as bench press, squat, deadlift, shoulder press, pull-ups, lunges, bent over rows, dumbbell curls. You can perform each exercise by doing 3-4 sets x 8-12 repetitions.
  • Rest: It is recommended to rest 1-2 minutes between each set of exercises.
  • Cooling down: After the whole body workout, you can do a light cardio exercise to cool your muscles and don’t forget to stretch by doing stretching movements.

What are the things to consider when doing a full body workout?

Things to consider when doing a full body workout:

  • Take care to do each exercise with the right techniques. Incorrect techniques can prevent injuries as well as getting the maximum benefit from exercises.
  • Beginners should start slowly and increase the exercise intensity over time. It is important that you give your muscles time to adapt properly.
  • Before a full-body workout, warm up to warm up your muscles. Also, do stretching exercises to cool your muscles after training.
  • You should pay attention to proper nutrition while doing full body training. Consuming enough protein and carbohydrates, especially after training, can support muscle repair.
  • Drink enough water to prevent dehydration during exercise. Maintaining your body’s hydration level helps improve your performance.
  • Full body training is a very intense exercise as it works all the muscles. But by overdoing it, you can cause muscle injuries. Set an intensity level that suits you and increase it over time.
  • Whole body training completely fatigues the muscles. So make sure you get enough rest in the days after your workout to allow the muscles to recover. Getting enough sleep post-workout can help muscle repair.

How to do body workout at home?

When doing body training at home, it is important to do an exercise correctly. Incorrect techniques can prevent injuries as well as getting the maximum benefit from exercises. You can get help from a trained trainer to do the exercises correctly. In addition, proper nutrition, adequate sleep and adequate water consumption are also factors to be considered while doing body training at home. If you want to do body training at home, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Before you start training, do warm-ups to prepare your muscles. You can do light cardio exercises, such as jumping jacks, mountain climbers, or light jogging.
  • To do body training at home, you can choose exercises with body weight. Exercises such as push-up, squat, lunges, plank, sit-up, burpee, jumping squat are examples that can be done without using any equipment. You can perform each exercise by doing 3-4 sets x 8-12 repetitions.
  • Take 1-2 minutes of rest between each set of exercises.
    To cool your muscles after training, you can do a light cardio exercise and do not forget to stretch by doing stretching movements.

What are the exercises that can be done in 20 minutes?

If you can’t find enough time to do sports or if you want to do sports and lose weight without spending a lot of time at home, even just 20 minutes will be enough. You can step into a healthy life with exercises that can be done in 20 minutes. Exercises you can do in as little as 20 minutes:

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Squat Jumps
  • push-ups
  • plank
  • burpees
  • lunges
  • Mountain Climbers
  • dips

Do each move for 1 minute. This exercise can be completed in 20 minutes and can work your entire body, helping you burn calories. However, before exercising, make sure to warm up and pay attention to the correct techniques during the exercises. When creating your exercise program, consider the limits of your body and consult your doctor before starting the exercises.

20 minute workout example

Do each movement in the 20-minute body training exercise at home for 1 minute and never take a break between exercises. Take care to do the exercises with the right technique, and keep yourself hydrated by drinking small amounts of water between exercises so that your spleen does not swell. The 20-minute body workout will increase your heart rate, work your whole body and help you burn calories. You can easily do this workout at home using your body weight. However, before exercising, make sure to warm up and pay attention to the correct techniques during the exercises. Consider the limits of your body while creating your exercise program, and you may want to consider getting help from an expert before starting the exercises. Example of 20 minute body workout:

  • Jumping Jacks: Do jumping jacks for 1 minute. To perform Jumping Jacks, jump with your feet apart and simultaneously raise your arms above your head, then jump again with your arms out to the sides at the same time.
  • Squat Jumps: Do squat jumps for 1 minute. To perform Squat Jumps, get into the squat position and quickly jump upwards, then return to the squat position as you land.
  • Push-Ups: Do push-ups for 1 minute. To do the push-up, place your hands shoulder-width apart, feet together and keeping your body in a straight line, lower your chest to the floor and push up again.
  • Plank: Plank for 1 minute. To do a plank, reach forward, bend your elbows at shoulder level, keep your toes on the ground, and tighten your abs and hold the position, keeping your body in a straight line.
  • Burpees: Burpee for 1 minute. To do a burpee, stand, put your hands on the floor, kick your feet back. Lower your chest to the floor and bring your feet to your chest again, jump up and land again.
  • lunges: Do lunges for 1 minute. To do lunges, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, step forward with one leg, and bend your knee 90 degrees to get down on the other leg. Then step forward with the other leg in the same way and repeat.
  • Mountain Climbers: Do mountain climbers for 1 minute. To do Mountain Climbers, place your hands shoulder-width apart in a plank position. Quickly pull your feet in turn towards your chest and extend them back again, quickly repeating the movement.
  • Dips: Do dips for 1 minute. To do dips, lean back on a bench or chair, place your hands at your sides, and lift your butt and jump upwards with the support of your hands. Then slowly lower your torso by bending your arms and pushing back up.
  • Sit-Ups (Full sit-ups): Do sit-ups for 1 minute. To do sit-ups, lie on your back, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands near your ears and tighten your abs by lifting your head and shoulders up. Then slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Jump Rope: Jump rope for 1 minute. Jump rope briskly to make jump rope.

Example of 20 minute full body workout at home

Do the movements included in the 20-minute full body workout at home for 1 minute and move on to the next exercise without resting between exercises. Take care to do the exercises with the right technique. This workout helps you burn calories by working your whole body. Here are the moves you can do for a 20-minute full body workout at home:

  • squat
  • Push Up
  • Reverse Lunge (30 seconds per leg)
  • plank
  • burpee
  • Triceps Dip
  • Superman
  • Mountain Climber
  • sit-ups
  • Jumping Jacks
