Fuels, the obligation to display the sign is triggered: steep penalties for transgressors

Fuels the obligation to display the sign is triggered steep

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The new regulation for fuel distributors kicks off today, 1 Augustwhich it places in the hands of service station managers the obligation to display a sign with the indication of prices charged and average prices national ones, so as to allow motorists to make a more informed choice.

A transparency operation strongly desired by the government, due to the speculations that have characterized this market in recent months, but opposed by operators of the industry, which they did appeal to the TARrequesting a suspension, but to no avail.

For the Minister Adolfo Ursothe entry into force of the new regulations guarantees that from today “every citizen can check for himself if the price of the gas station is in line with the average price and therefore can decide whether to refuel. If the price differs significantly from the average price, he can report it to the ministry”.

Urso also spoke of price increases recorded on the occasion of the first summer exodus, with petrol breaking through the ceiling of 2.5 euros per liter on the motorway. “The recent increases, of 4 cents of the average price – he explained – are consequence of the increase in international priceswhich in any case remain a far cry from those prior to the moment in which we managed to convince the EU Commission to limit the price of gas”.

Starting today, operators of fuel distribution facilities will have to display the famous sign with the indicationnext to the price charged by the petrol pump, del national average price calculated by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy on a weekly basis. A price calculated on the basis of the arithmetic mean of the prices charged on the ordinary regional and national network and on the motorway network.

Always in the hands of the managers of distribution systems the obligation to communicate weekly price changes practiced at your petrol station, even in the absence of increases or decreases.

Violators will be punished with fines of 200 euros up to 2 thousand euros, also parameterized to the operator’s turnover. Even more severe penalties for repeat offenders, who may also incur the suspension of activity from 1 to 30 days if the violation is repeated four times within 60 days.
