Fuels: furious managers confirm strike, Giorgetti goes straight

Petrol the reaction of consumers positive drop in prices but

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – No stepping back and forth with all the controls. This is the line adopted by Meloni government following the controversy over the failure to extend the cut in excise duties, the strike called by the managers and the alarms relating to the escalation of fuel price.

After the clarifications of President Meloni, today the Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti confirms the executive’s line which is to not confirm the excise cuts at the current price thresholds, which are very different from those that triggered the cut under the Draghi government.

All of this came to light during the question time by Minister Giorgetti to the Senate, where he reiterated that the cut in excise duties decided by the Draghi government was triggered “when the price had exceeded 2 euros per litrereaching 2.184 euros for petrol, These price conditions are very different from the current ones“.

The government’s goal now is intervene with network monitoring of distribution to “improve price transparency and avoid speculation”, explained the minister.

The government does not foresee then a new intervention on excise duties in the decree on price transparency, but “faced with a significant increase” of the fuel price, 2% higher than the value indicated in the DEF, in conjunction with an increase in VAT revenue, the government he could also decide to lower them again.

The CDM held this afternoon in fact, it has approved some amendments to the decree-law on price transparency of fuels., establishing that “in the presence of a possible increase in the price of crude oil and therefore of the relative increase in VAT in a reference quarter, the higher revenue collected in terms of tax by the state may be used to finance reductions in the final price at the pump“.
It was also extended to 31 December 2023 the term within which the value of the petrol coupons transferred by private employers to employees, within the limit of 200 euros per worker, will not contribute to the formation of income from employment.

Stand, meanwhile, lo strike called for the days of 25 and 26 January by the trade union organizations of fuel distribution plant managers, which also found the support of Assopetroli-Assoenergia: “the discomfort you express publicly is shared by our entire category. The events of recent days, the many improvident utterances of authoritative exponents politicians and the Government, following the failure to extend the excise discount, have aroused deep concern in all of us”.
