Fuels, consumer associations against Mister Prices: no clarification on speculation

Expensive petrol peaks over 25 euros Mimit specifies below 2

(Finance) – Many shadows for Codacons in the report of the Guarantor for price surveillance, Benedict Mineo, who in a hearing in the Chamber allegedly denied anomalies in the performance of fuel price lists in Italy. “Everything is going well for the Guarantor in terms of prices at the pump, however his report does not clarify an all-Italian mystery: why do petrol and diesel prices soar punctually on the occasion of each exodus of Italians, regardless of oil trends, reaching, as happened a few days ago, peaks of 2.8 euros on the motorway, i.e. where traveling citizens need to make supplies – says the president Carlo Rienzi – Mr. Prices then, in his comparison with the other EU countries, seems to discover “hot water”, ie that after taxes the industrial price in Italy is lower than in France, Spain and Germany. Exactly what we have been repeating for more than 10 years, asking to reduce the excessive weight of taxes on gas And diesel and which, using motorists as ATMs, guarantee the State billions of euros in annual revenue”.

“We believe it would be better that the function of Price guarantor was carried out in Italy in turn by the consumer associations of the CNCU, independent figures from the Government and from politics who have been dealing with issues such as the high price of petrol for years and have in-depth knowledge of the critical issues that beset users”, concluded Rienzi.

For Absolute users the data that emerged from the monitoring carried out by the Guarantor for price surveillance fully confirms how the problem of fuels in Italy is the taxation excessive which weighs on petrol and diesel. “However, the Guarantor’s thesis regarding the alignment of petrol-oil prices in Italy is not convincing, as speculation could lurk at a European and international level, also deriving from the ongoing conflicts: more than once in the last year, as happened punctually also in past years, the price lists at the pump have risen even in the presence of a drop in oil, and especially in conjunction with the periods of departure of the Italians, demonstrating the existence of speculative phenomena that the Guarantor would do well to investigate” , stressed the president Furio Truzzi.

“Faced with these data, we ask the Government to use the extra revenue on fuels to intervene on excise on petrol and diesel, because even a cut of just 10 euro cents would determine, also considering theVATa direct saving of more than 6 euros when full, more than 146 euros per year per car, and would bring down the prices of the products transported”, concluded the president of Assoutenti.

(Photo: bizoon | 123RF)
