Fuel prices: what promotion this weekend, how does it work?

Fuel prices what promotion this weekend how does it work

GASOLINE PRICE PROMOTION. A few days before the entry into force of the discount of 15 centimes per liter of fuel, several distributors announce “promotions” this weekend. Is it interesting? Here are the conditions and information.

[Mis à jour le 25 mars 2022 à 16h54] The prices of fuel continue to play yoyo in recent days. Bad news, the prices in gas stations rise again before the weekend of April 26 and 27 with an average price of unleaded 95 E10 at 1.967 euros / liter on average according to the Carbu.com site and 2.106 euros / liter for diesel, again according to the readings of the Carbu.com site.

Small thinning in sight all the same with the next entry into force of the discount of 15 cents / liter promised by the government from April 1st! But even before that date, there are some opportunities to make small savings on your tank of gas by taking advantage of operations launched by several suppliers, in particular those of large retailers. Casino had already announced a promotions operation, joined by Leclerc or Carrefour. Here’s everything you need to know about these promotions.

Casino is renewing a “boost” operation this Friday March 25 and Saturday March 26. The principle ? Take advantage of lower prices: 1 euro per liter of fuel. The operation works in three stages:

  1. You fill up at the Casino gas station and collect the receipt.
  2. Within the limit of 50 litres, the store will reimburse you the difference between the price paid and a fuel costing one euro. At most, you can therefore recover 50 euros if the price of fuel is displayed at 2 euros/litre (2 euros – 1 euro = 1 euro X 50 liters maximum = 50 euros).
  3. The difference is transformed into a voucher to be used during the weekend in the Casino supermarket from 80 euros spent. Enough to imagine shopping for 80 euros and only paying 30 euros!

At Carrefour, an operation has also been launched since Friday March 25 and until Thursday March 31. Operation is based on the principle of the future discount of 15 cents per liter of fuel. But unlike this future device, you will not benefit from an immediate discount on your full tank of gas. The 15 cents per liter purchased will be transferred to your loyalty card. Please note that the discount will only be valid once during this period and is reserved for holders of the loyalty card. “Thus, 15 cents per liter of gasoline will be credited to the loyalty card of our customers. This sum will be deducted when they go to the checkout”, specifies the group in a press release issued Thursday, March 24.

  • You fill up and keep the receipt.
  • You go to the checkout when shopping at the supermarket. Two choices are then available to you: credit the amount of the discount, for example 7.5 euros for a full tank of 50 liters (0.15×50) or see this same amount debited from your full tank of shopping.

The lA list of supermarkets participating in the operation has been published on the Carrefour website and can be found here.

Finally, Auchan is also launching its special operation on gasoline prices. The brand offers a discount of 6 euros for any purchase of a minimum of 30 liters of gasoline. All you have to do is present your fuel ticket at the cash desk of your Auchan supermarket. The offer is valid on March 25 and 26 but also on April 1 and 2. Attention, to take advantage of it, you will have to present the ticket at the cash desk before April 2 (if you filled up on March 25 or 26) or before April 9 (if you filled up on April 1 or 2). The offer is only valid once.

However, several Auchan supermarkets are not participating in this operation. Here is the list: Alès, Arpajon, Athis-Mons, Aumont-Aubrac, Bellegarde, Belley, Billy-Berclau, Breuillet, Cachan, Canteleu, Cazaux, Chamarande, Cormeilles-en-Parisis, Draveil, Egletons, Ensisheim, Epinal, Golbey , Haguenau, Hayange, Jargeau, Juvisy-sur-Orge, Lencloitre, Lens, Ligueuil, Loches, Marvejols, Maurepas, Mirebeau, Monnaie, Ostwald, Paris Dupleix, Le Plessis Treviso, Pontaumur, Ris-Orangis, Saint-Pardoux La Rivière, Sorigny, Thiviers, Tours Orangerie, Marseille Prado and Vouvray.

In addition to moderating your travels, practicing carpooling if you can, the best thing is still to compare the prices charged in the service stations around your home. Tedious? Not that much since many sites offer this service on the internet. You can also base yourself on the official government site, combustible.gouv.fr, which offers to find the prices that must be indicated to the State by the managers of service stations. Linternaute.com has prepared a file showing you the prices department by department.

Our partner Essence&Co also offers this service via collaborative data provided by Internet users. You can find the search engine below. It is possible to compare fuel prices at service stations near you. Available on Android or iPhone, it offers daily fuel prices based on user feedback to indicate current prices.

The government websiteprice.fuel.gouv.fr” also offers you price statements by department and type of fuel (Be careful to clearly differentiate unleaded 95, 98 or E10). The price statements are updated on a weekly basis. What will help you find the cheapest gas stations through an interactive map listing the gas stations near you.

As you have noticed, there are sometimes sometimes substantial price differences depending on the service station: between distributor brands (supermarkets in particular) and oil group stations, the difference can sometimes seem significant. It is explained by various parameters including the brand image but also the famous additives. You may know them by their trade name. Excellium fuel, for example in the Total network, contains many additives. Incorporated into the fuel, they are used to improve its quality and therefore its performance. Also intended to protect the engine or the tank, they also act on higher prices, which sometimes gives rise to controversy over their usefulness. Marketing argument used to justify these prices or real benefit for the car, the debate is lively.

What is the share of taxes in the price of gasoline at the pump? According to Total, taxes represent “the most important part of the price of fuel”. In 2018, according to the company, the taxes collected by the State represented for example “63% of the price of Unleaded 95-E10 and 60% of that of diesel”. Gasoline tax is in fact divided into two different taxes: VAT, and the domestic consumption tax on energy products (TICPE). There is also the general tax on polluting activities (TGAP). The TICPE is also higher on gasoline than on diesel. Depending on gasoline prices, the TICPE represents nearly 70 cents on gasoline, 60 cents on the price of a liter of diesel.

The carbon tax is a tax on CO2 emissions. It was implemented in 2014. It was to increase on January 1, 2019 and add 3 cents more to the price of a liter of diesel and 6 cents to the price of a liter of lead-free. Nothing happened: the government decided to cancel its increase when it could have brought 3.9 billion euros in additional revenue to the State. This decision follows the discontent of the yellow vests at the end of 2018. Note that the carbon tax, a component of the TICPE, finances only “very little” the ecological transition.

According to a Senate report on revenue for 2016, “out of the 4 billion euros of additional revenue expected from the carbon component in 2016, 3 billion euros are returned to companies under the tax credit for Competitiveness and Employment (CICE), and 1 billion euros for households, through reduced VAT rates applicable to energy renovation work on housing and in favor of social housing and intermediate housing”. For the Senate, the increase in the carbon tax therefore results from a “logic of budgetary return” and is not particularly used to finance the ecological transition.
