fuel prices break records in the country

fuel prices break records in the country

New increase at the pump for Kenyans. Fuel reached record prices this week. An increase of 22% over one year for gasoline, while Kenyans are already facing a cost of living crisis which affects many basic products, which have been increasing for a year: electricity, sugar, beans… Added to this are new taxes and a depreciation of the shilling. New tariffs that go down badly for Kenyans.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Nairobi, Albane Thirouard

Faced with these record fuel prices, the association of matatus, the private buses in Kenya, announced a 20% increase in fares. Ronald Ayeko is stationed on a street corner in the capital, responsible for rounding up passengers: “ Here we haven’t raised the prices yet but maybe we will next week. The problem is that our passengers don’t have money, if we increase fares, they will prefer to walk. They are already complaining about the rising cost of living. »

A third more expensive

A few meters further, Lydia Engefu paid a third more for her journey to work this morning. Single mother of three children, she does not hide her irritation: “ When fuel prices increase, everything increases: transport, food, corn flour and sugar. Now we only eat three times a day, we only have one meal. Living has become really difficult! »

I am very disappointed »

The Minister of Commerce has already warned: prices at the pump will continue to increase. The reason is the rise in global fuel prices according to the authorities. Enough to despair Douglas Baraza. This motorcycle taxi driver has seen his work seriously affected: “ I am very disappointed, President Ruto promised to bring prices down. He has been in power for a year and everything has increased, we also have new taxes. I would like the government to start listening to the cries of Kenyans. »

The opponent Raila Odinga also denounced this economic situation. He described it as “ disastrous » the first year of the Ruto government.

Read alsoKenya: popular anger rises over rising prices and the implementation of new taxes
