Fuel discount: extended, until when? Of how much ?

Fuel discount extended until when Of how much

FUEL DISCOUNT 30 CENTIMES. Faced with rising fuel prices, the government has introduced an exceptional discount at the pump of 18 cents per litre. This mechanism, which was normally due to end on July 31, 2022, has been extended.

[Mis à jour le 1er août 2022 à 12h52] Extension for the discount of 18 euro cents per liter of fuel. Set up on April 1 in the face of soaring prices at the pump, it will extend beyond July 31, the date on which this exceptional aid operation was to end. After several weeks of debate, the measure in favor of purchasing power was ratified by the National Assembly on the night of July 26 to 27 via the vote on the 2022 amending finance law.

The government has extended the fuel rebate until August 31, 2022, allowing for a more targeted and long-lasting support system. This rebate will remain a one-off aid for the end of 2022. If it still needs to be specified by decree, the provision confirms a discount of 30 euro cents per liter for the months of September and October 2022 before a switch to 10 cents in November and December. Fuel prices have soared since the start of 2022, in the wake of the outbreak of war in Ukraine, reaching and then exceeding 2 euros per liter before the summer. In mid-July, the average price of a liter of unleaded 95 like diesel was around 1.90 euros per litre.

No change in sight at the pump for motorists! The discount of 30 cents per liter of fuel will apply in exactly the same way as that of 18 cents in force since April 1, 2022. It is applied automatically at the time of payment, at the cash desk or by credit card at the pump. Contrary to what has been announced, the price displayed at the pump is ultimately the one you will ultimately pay. There is therefore no calculation to perform or discount to request from the pump, making the operation more legible and simple for the consumer. All fuels are concerned, unleaded 95, 95 E10, 98, diesel such as E85, liquefied natural gas or LPG. Here is the device summarized in three points:

  • The measure took effect on Friday, April 1, 2022 and is valid until the end of summer.
  • The National Assembly voted on July 27, 2022 to extend the system, the discount increasing to 30 cents in September and October before being lowered to 10 cents for the last two months of 2022.
  • This discount measure of 18 cents/litre of fuel will increase to 30 cents in September and is valid on all fuels, even E85 at the already lower price. If you drive on diesel with your diesel vehicle, you are therefore just as concerned as if you drive on unleaded petrol.
  • The discount is immediate for the motorist. The price after discount is displayed directly at the pump and via the totem panels at the entrance.

No need to be a big wheeler or to justify business trips. Everyone will benefit from this feature, whether you have a store loyalty card or not. This measure concerns both households and businesses and is valid for all fuels, diesel, unleaded petrol such as E85. The discount is displayed directly on the totems present in service stations.

This was the whole point of the text of the amending finance bill for 2022. The extension of the discount of 18 centimes per liter of fuel was one of the major points of the bill. IF the government, through the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, had announced that it wanted to set up degressive aid, going from 18 cents to 12 cents in October, then from 12 to 6 cents in November before disappearing purely and just in December, the device was finally changed. Two successive waves will follow the 18 centimes from the end of the summer:

  • The discount will be increased to 30 cents for the months of September and October.
  • It will then drop at the end of the year with a discount of 10 cents in November and December 2022.

The economy at the pump is not invisible despite the sharp rise in prices. Former Prime Minister Jean Castex gave an example during the presentation of the device in April 2022: that of a full tank of 60 liters of fuel, i.e. a tank of a good-sized car (a city car has a tank of 45 to 50 liters) “You save 9 euros” for a full 60 liters, he said in the columns of Parisian. Since then, the device has evolved to finally reach 18 euro cents per liter of fuel, a saving of up to around 11 euros per tank. With a price of around 2 euros per liter, a full tank goes from 120 euros to around 109 euros.

In a press release published on July 22, 2022, the Total group announced a drop in fuel prices at its service stations. “From September 1 to November 1, TotalEnergies will lower the price of petroleum fuels sold in stations by twenty euro cents per liter (…) then by ten euro cents per liter from November 1 to December 31”, explains the group in this press release.
