“Fuck, I think I’m from Flamengo…”

Fuck I think Im from Flamengo

Neymar Jr. participated last morning in a telematic chat with his friend Diego Ribas, a former Atlético de Madrid player who currently plays for Flamengo. In it, the PSG striker spoke again about the boos from his fans, the goals for next season and the problem of social networks.

networks: “It can help you or harm you very quickly. I think it hurts more than it helps you. Because if you play well and look at the social network, you will see good news and you will be happy. But when you play badly, you make mistakes and you get into the network social network, you’re going to get sick in the head. If you don’t have people to help you get out of this situation, it’s very difficult. The social network is very dangerous for any kind of person today.”

Boos from their own fans. “Obviously nobody likes to be booed, especially playing at home. It’s sad. But I have to look for strength somewhere. And I started to remember the people who helped me get to where I am and I always think about playing for them. In those moments I can’t let myself get booed and make my family sad. There are games we play for the fans, when everything is fine. But there are days when there are boos and I cling to my family.”

Flamengo and the Libertadores of 2019. “I saw your Libertadores final here at home, cheering on Flamengo, of course. There was a Flamengo fanatic player here, mate. Two minutes from time, Gabriel finds the goal. On the second goal, we go crazy and think: ‘ Damn, I think I’m a flamenco fan”. It’s not because he’s from Flamengo, it’s more because of the players there were. Most of them are my friends or acquaintances from the national team. We cheered on our friends and seeing your happiness was amazing. It was as if he had participated in the title, so much so that I called Gabriel, and my dad and I jumped here together.”

Qatar World Cup. “My biggest dream. I really wanted to win the Champions League with PSG this year, but unfortunately it was postponed. I will give my life for the World Cup. I know how everything works. If you are not prepared, the opportunity will disappear, so I don’t want to Let that opportunity slip away.”
