FSB arrests Russian accused of passing information on Ukraine conflict to Washington

FSB arrests Russian accused of passing information on Ukraine conflict

The Russian security services (FSB) said on Monday August 28 that they had arrested a Russian citizen, a former employee of American diplomacy in Russia, accused of having transmitted information to the United States on the conflict in Ukraine.

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In a statement, the FSB said that Robert Chonov, “ former employee of the American Consulate General in Vladivostok “, had gathered since September 2022 until his arrest – an unspecified date – information for American diplomacy.

Material remuneration »

This information concerned conduct of special military operation in Ukraine, military mobilization in Russian regions ” And ” the problematic elements and the evaluation of their influence on the protests of the population in view of the presidential election in Russia in 2024 “.

According to the FSB, he carried out these alleged activities “ against material remuneration “and on demand” employees of the political service of the American embassy in Moscow, Jeffrey Sullin and David Bernstein “.

Confidential collaboration »

This “ informant of Washington, according to the FSB, is indicted for “ confidential collaboration with a foreign government “, a crime punishable by eight years in prison. Russia’s Interfax news agency claimed the FSB released a video in which the suspect made a confession.

The Russian authorities, especially since the start of the offensive against Ukraine in February 2022, very regularly arrest people accused of working for kyiv or carrying out spying activities for the benefit of Western governments.

(With AFP)

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