FS, traveling to talk about the 2022-2031 Industrial Plan

FS traveling to talk about the 2022 2031 Industrial Plan

(Finance) – Milan hosts the second of one series of meetings scheduled in the coming monthswhich will touch Naples and Verona passing through Bologna up to cross the national borders, bringing the top management of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane to dialogue and interact directly with the people of the Group to share the new Business Plan with them. An absolute novelty whose meaning of strong sharing of values ​​and active participation of people in the Group’s strategies takes on particular significance because it takes place in an era marked by webinars and videoconferences via the internet. This was announced by FS News, the information portal of the Ferrovie dello Stato Group.

After the meeting in Rome with the press and with the 100 Ambassadors – workers called to be the spokespersons of the new ten-year vision of the company – today it was the multimodal Parkin Station hub of the Milano Centrale station that hosted theCEO of FS, Luigi FerrarisLuca Torchia, Chief Communication Officer FS and Massimo Bruno, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer FS, who together with Vera Fiorani, CEO of RFI, Luigi Corradi, CEO of Trenitalia, Gianpiero Strisciuglio, CEO of Mercitalia Logistics and Umberto Lebruto, CEO of FS Sistemi Urbani – referents of the respective four infrastructure, passenger, logistics and urban macro poles – met with colleagues and colleagues from the companies of Italferr, FS Sistemi Urbani and Ferservizi.

We are today in an intermodal hub, which is a bit of a synthesis, the heart of what is the future of our Industrial Plan: we have a car park, a train station, we have High Speed ​​trains arriving, regional trains departing. We have a great responsibility, being here today means being protagonists of this countryand you are, every day you do it with great dedication and attachment “, said CEO Ferraris.
