FS, street art tells the new time of the Group

FS street art tells the new time of the Group

(Finance) – Communicating change, starting to change the place where you communicate. The claim “tempo nuovo” of the FS Group has found an artistic variation by animating and coloring the corridors of the Communication Department of Fs Italiane with works by street art.

On the ground floor of Villa Patrizi, the Roman building that has always housed the State Railways, the corridors of the Communication Department – as reported by FS News, the Group’s information portal – have been enriched with an artistic regeneration project that – through “bright colors, serpentine lettering, splashes of variegated colors that evoke rails, tracks, landscapes, communication claims transformed into dynamic calligrams that seem to run along the canvases “- tells the scenario that the FS Group has before us, the world in which the company moves. Four geometric shapes recall in the work of writer ONE the train windows from which an imaginative passenger looks the four poles in which the company was reorganized: passengers, logistics, infrastructure and urban. In another work, always ONE from another window tells the “Dialogue with change“, the Group’s interaction with the territories, its excellences, its needs. The same dialogue that Daniele Tozzi, instead, it summarizes in the lettering “The beauty that unites” or in the work “The talking yards” or again in “Sans Frontières – Sin Fronteras”, to underline the international opening of Ferrovie dello Stato, which sees more and more in Europe ( and not only in Italy) his home. L’Krayon artist instead it tells about the opening of the Group’s innovative approach and in another drawing he focuses on “# 100AmbassadorxFS”, or the 80 colleagues and colleagues put themselves into play to tell the evolution of the company on social networks. In the corridors of Villa Patrizi the story unfolds in panels that follow one another until they condense into a‘six-handed collective work entitled “A new time”

“Street art was born on the street to reach as many people as possible and that is why it is so capable of talking to everyone about even complex things” he explains to FS News Radio Mirko Pierri, founder of a.DNA project, engaged since 2010 in the promotion of international independent art and artists in collaboration with public and private entities.

Street art, office art, therefore, to read the new time of the company and tell the change and anticipate a world that goes fast with its signs.
