FS Italiane, presented with the Carabinieri the Frecciarossa dedicated to General Dalla Chiesa

FS Italiane presented with the Carabinieri the Frecciarossa dedicated to

(Finance) – “Some things are not done out of courage, they are done only to look more serenely in the eyes of our children and our children’s children”. A Frecciarossa dedicated to General Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa, with the image of his face, the date of birth and death and a famous phrase of his imprinted on the sides of the train, he will travel until October 31st along the Turin – Reggio Calabria railway route to commemorate his sacrifice 40 years after the brutal massacre of via Isidoro Carini in Palermo.

The train was presented this afternoon at Roma Termini station during a ceremony attended by the Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Guerinithe Commander General of the Carabinieri General of the Army Corps, Teo Luzi and the CEO of the FS Italiane Group Luigi Ferraris.

“The idea of ​​dedicating to General Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa the livery of a train that ideally unites, every day, all of Italy from north to south and vice versa, has a particularly important symbolic value. The admirable initiative to remind the thousands of passengers, Italians and foreigners, who the General was from the Church and how important his extreme sacrifice was in the fight against the mafia, will make every trip on this train a unique opportunity – he declared Luzi, addressing a special thought to the many boys, perhaps young engaged couples, who will greet each other in front of this livery before boarding this Frecciarossa -. My wish – he continued – is that they can dedicate a minute to the memory of the General, who believed so much in them and in the formation of their culture to legality, the only weapon that is always effective against the mafias “.

“General Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa with his commitment in the fight against terrorism and the mafia was, to the point of extreme sacrifice, a model of loyalty to the State and its highest democratic values: freedom and legality. With this Frecciarossa dedicated to him the FS Group – he declared Ferraris – intends to keep the memory and example alive and to strongly reaffirm those values ​​which are also the basis of our business culture “.

ThereImage of General Carlo Alberto from the Church it will also be displayed on the monitors on board all the Frecce, on the self-services and on the totems placed in the FRECCIA Lounge and FRECCIA Club present in the stations crossed by the livery Frecciarossa.
