FS Italiane, Ferraris meets consumer associations

FS Italiane Ferraris People and skills to overcome the PNRR

(Finance) – “A cordial and transparent discussion with consumer associations to illustrate the objectives and actions of the FS Italiane Group and collect useful information through a constant and constructive relationship with the stakeholders”. This – as reported by FS News – is the summary of the meeting that took place today, in streaming, betweenCEO of the FS Italiane Group Luigi Ferrarisand representatives of associations that protect consumers’ rights. They also intervened for the FS Italiane Group Aldo Isi, CEO of Anas, Massimo Bruno, chief corporate affairs officer FS, Fabrizio Favara, chief strategy officer FS and Roberto Tundo, chief Technology, Innovation and Digital Officer FS.

“Today’s meeting represents an important opportunity to listen to needs and useful suggestions, because in order to truly carry out a service that is up to par, one must be able to listen – he said. Ferraris opening the comparison -. In the FS Group – continued the CEO addressing the trade unions – you will find all the willingness to listen and try to follow up on the requests and needs of consumers, our travelers and all the stakeholders involved in the projects and activities that the FS Group carries out, including the construction of large infrastructural works, some of which are included in the PNRR “.

For the consumer associations there were the delegates of Acu, Adiconsum, Adoc, Adusbef, Altroconsumo, Asso-Consum, Assoutenti, Consumer House, CTCU, Cittadinanzattiva, Codacons, Codes, Confconsumatori, Federconsumatori, Consumer League, Consumer Movement, Citizen Defense Movement, Udicon and National Consumers Union .
