FS Italiane expands Sustainability Linked Revolving Facility to 3 billion euros

Transport Trenitalia the train and bus service arrives for Monte

(Finance) – The Italian State Railways (FS Italiane) have signed up the enlargement from 2.5 to 3 billion euros of the committed and revolving credit line stipulated in 2021, bringing the financial institutions involved in the lenders union to eight. To the pool, initially composed of Intesa Sanpaolo, UniCreditCassa Depositi e Prestiti, Crédit Agricole CIB, CaixaBank And Banca Popolare di SondrioBNL – Group joined BNP Paribas And Banco BPM.

The expansion of 500 million euros has taken place without altering the pricing conditions provided for in the original contract, which provides for mechanisms for revising the margin and the commitment fee upon the achievement of ESG targetsrelating to four Key Performance Indicators, all of which were achieved in 2021.
